The release of Hogwarts Legacy set the gaming media in an uproar, due to its association with Harry Potter, the JK Rowling franchise that was massively popular in the 2000s and still garners a fairly large following. This, of course, was due to comments by JK Rowling that were seen as transphobic. Now, whatever your feelings on that issue, I think we can all agree that there was plenty of discussion, on GameSpot and elsewhere, about whether the game should be supported or not. It often took a very sour turn, sometimes unforgivably so.
Now, it's too early to say for sure how the conversation will turn out as the game's only recently released, but I've noticed a lot less controversy about Atomic Heart. Now, for those of you who may be unaware, the game is a Russian developed game, funded by the Russian government, depicting an idealized Soviet Union (a typical trope of Russian propaganda, as the Russians are the only former members of the USSR to have enjoyed it). Also important is the relative lack of virtue signalling on the part of the gaming media. It certainly didn't take as long to get a review here as Hogwarts Legacy did.
I find this to be a bit concerning. For those of you who are (somehow) unaware, the Russians have been waging a brutal war of conquest in Ukraine, and while they've mostly been failing, the Putin regime shows no sign that it's willing to slow down. Many have died, many more have been displaced by this pointless war, as Putin desperately tries to rebuild the USSR through conquest. It is against this backdrop that Atomic Heart, a game that presents a heavily idealized Soviet Union, is being presented. The relative lack of reaction (at least compared to Hogwarts Legacy) is distasteful.
Am I to believe that literal Russian propaganda by the Russian government is less worthy of criticism than someone who said something banal on Twitter? Make no mistake, I don't support harassing people who play Atomic Heart any more than I would those harassing people playing Hogwarts Legacy, but I feel there's an issue with moral consistency. Why, if I might be so inclined to ask, is the response to the actual enemy propaganda so tepid in comparison to the response to the Harry Potter game? I mean, certainly it couldn't be because people in gaming media and online don't actually care about the issues they purport to care about, and find that criticizing the game made by people who likely can't see their comments isn't as much of a moral high as driving people who CAN see them to tears. Maybe it's all been a big feint, and the only reason people put up a big fuss about Hogwarts Legacy is that they felt they had the power to ruin people's days/lives.
Couldn't be that, right? I mean, we all know how Russia treats LGBT folk...
Either way, the naked hypocrisy is absolutely something that needs to be called out. I refuse to believe GameSpot is pro-Russian-aggression, so why was Atomic Heart treated with kid gloves compared to Hogwarts Legacy? While I have no hope at all for those who harass people anonymously, it's my great hope that GameSpot and others in the gaming media will take note - We notice these things. Either make the game coverage political or don't, but don't choose based on what's fashionable.
My thoughts on buying the game itself is not in the scope of this blog, but will be provided if requested.
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