whatever you need to convince yourself of to continue your support for the party of the klan
Did you even source his link? It's an OPINION site. But then I forget I'm talking to Republicans that ignore facts over opinion anyway.
whatever you need to convince yourself of to continue your support for the party of the klan
Did you even source his link? It's an OPINION site. But then I forget I'm talking to Republicans that ignore facts over opinion anyway.
I am not talking about his link, I am simply having a laugh at your expense for pushing that long debunked conspiracy theory that political parties actually swap, and seemingly only when it's convenient for the DNC to take credit for something they didn't do, or try to absolve themselves of blame for something they did. And you buy that nonsense because in order for reality to fit your world view so you can see yourself as some righteous social justice warrior is to believe that those on the right are the ones with the history of racism.
Parties never swapped, the DNC is still the party of the klan, denying it won't change that fact.
I am not talking about his link, I am simply having a laugh at your expense for pushing that long debunked conspiracy theory that political parties actually swap, and seemingly only when it's convenient for the DNC to take credit for something they didn't do, or try to absolve themselves of blame for something they did. And you buy that nonsense because in order for reality to fit your world view so you can see yourself as some righteous social justice warrior is to believe that those on the right are the ones with the history of racism.
Parties never swapped, the DNC is still the party of the klan, denying it won't change that fact.
Fact, republicans freed the slaves, democrats wanted to keep them.
Lol. I'd be surprised if anyone who voted in the poll knew anything about Lincoln.
One has to wonder.
What exactly are they basing this on? I find the support for Trump doesn't stem much from his accomplishments rather than his personality cult. The Right love him because he's not shy of demonstrating extreme hate towards what they feel. He hates democrats and liberals unabashedly, and so they adore him for it.
But in terms of what has been achieved? God help us if a civil war erupted under Trump's watch, that would be the end of the Union as we know it within a matter of months. Not only would he not try to retain it, he'd actively work to further fracture its divide. Trump loves pitting people against one another, he loves being an agent of chaos and division, and that's largely why his base worships him.
In terms of Lincoln though? It's like comparing a preschooler with Newton. As I've said before, Trump doesn't amount to so much as a peanut in Lincoln's shit.
Yep, lord knows his base wanted California to leave the union, which would be the start of further discourse.
I am not talking about his link, I am simply having a laugh at your expense for pushing that long debunked conspiracy theory that political parties actually swap, and seemingly only when it's convenient for the DNC to take credit for something they didn't do, or try to absolve themselves of blame for something they did. And you buy that nonsense because in order for reality to fit your world view so you can see yourself as some righteous social justice warrior is to believe that those on the right are the ones with the history of racism.
Parties never swapped, the DNC is still the party of the klan, denying it won't change that fact.
Fact, republicans freed the slaves, democrats wanted to keep them.
The modern klansman of today though, hates democrats and liberals and votes red across the board. The modern klansman loves the republican party.
@burntbyhellfire: @n64dd: Holy hell, the denials! XD
Lincoln was part of the republican party.
Yeah... and the Republican party was different than it was now. If there was a Civil War today, Trump and the GOP would try and keep it that way until all us lefties are dead, even if he has to commit his much wanted 5th Avenue Massacre.
@burntbyhellfire: @n64dd: Holy hell, the denials! XD
Lincoln was part of the republican party.
Yeah... and the Republican party was different than it was now. If there was a Civil War today, Trump and the GOP would try and keep it that way until all us lefties are dead, even if he has to commit his much wanted 5th Avenue Massacre.
lol, like it's a simple as putting everyone in left vs right. Since a lot float between the two. If there was a civil war it would be everyone vs the far left. Capitalism vs Socialism.
@burntbyhellfire: @n64dd: Holy hell, the denials! XD
Lincoln was part of the republican party.
Yeah... and the Republican party was different than it was now. If there was a Civil War today, Trump and the GOP would try and keep it that way until all us lefties are dead, even if he has to commit his much wanted 5th Avenue Massacre.
lol, like it's a simple as putting everyone in left vs right. Since a lot float between the two. If there was a civil war it would be everyone vs the far left. Capitalism vs Socialism.
More like, our constitution and individual rights vs the socialist dictatorship the left constantly cries out for.
More like, our constitution and individual rights vs the socialist dictatorship the left constantly cries out for.
Supporting trump the wannabe fascist dictator and calling others dictators...……….el oh el. Reality has left the building.
@LJS9502_basic: your party is the one that assumes people guilty before their trial. You use the word facist all the time and you truly don’t understand what it means.
Once again impeachment is not the same as a court trial. Stop pretending otherwise.
I am not talking about his link, I am simply having a laugh at your expense for pushing that long debunked conspiracy theory that political parties actually swap, and seemingly only when it's convenient for the DNC to take credit for something they didn't do, or try to absolve themselves of blame for something they did. And you buy that nonsense because in order for reality to fit your world view so you can see yourself as some righteous social justice warrior is to believe that those on the right are the ones with the history of racism.
Parties never swapped, the DNC is still the party of the klan, denying it won't change that fact.
Fact, republicans freed the slaves, democrats wanted to keep them.
They switched. Conservative Democrats who became Conservative Republicans.
Hence Confederate Flags and most Hate groups being in Republican counties. Going by your logic, those things should still be in Democrat counties.
But they aren't, because those conservatives became Republicans.
@heathen75: Must be nice to pull BS out of your ass and post it.
But he's factually correct.
Why lie?
@burntbyhellfire: @n64dd: Holy hell, the denials! XD
Lincoln was part of the republican party.
In name only. The parties changed considerably, according to historical data. His northern Red States became Blue, but kept similar ideologies. The Blue southern states that opposed him became Red. Take note that it's mostly Republicans who carry the Confederate flag, the flag of his enemy.
After that, the majority of the South still continued to vote Democratic because it thought of the Republican party as the party of Abraham Lincoln and Reconstruction. The big break didn’t come until President Johnson, another Southern Democrat, signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965.
Though some Democrats had switched to the Republican party prior to this, “the defections became a flood” after Johnson signed these acts, Goldfield says. “And so the political parties began to reconstitute themselves.”
The change wasn’t total or immediate. During the late 1960s and early ‘70s, white Southerners were still transitioning away from the Democratic party (newly enfranchised black Southerners voted and continue to vote Democratic). And even as Republican Richard Nixon employed a “Southern strategy” that appealed to the racism of Southern white voters, former Alabama Governor George Wallace (who’d wanted “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever”) ran as a Democrat in the 1972 presidential primaries.
By the time Ronald Reagan became president in 1980, the Republican party’s hold on white Southerners was firm. Today, the Republican party remains the party of the South. It’s an ironic outcome considering that a century ago, white Southerners would’ve never considered voting for the party of Lincoln.
This is one of the easiest debate to win on the internet and I'm surprised so many here hold these false views. Yes, even easier than debunking climate denial.
Every PHD historian who has touched on this topic, countless academic institutions, all peer reviewed texts on the topic, and all trusted fact check sites have debunked the insane conspiracy theory that the parties did not swap in these areas.
Many Southern Conservative Democrats became Southern Conservative Republicans. This was in part due to the southern strategy and Dixie-Crats. Public voting changes of these districts all show this in detailed maps from 1900-2019. The modern day KKK is a right wing movement/group according to academic and federal classifications (FBI).
Those Blue areas are now Red Many of those Red areas are Blue. Records and Interviews from the actual Republican politicians show this was by design. This isn't rocket science, this is set it stone historical data.
There is a reason the only sites attempting to debunk those PHD Historians are all just far-right blogs with no real citation. Or literally fake Universities, like PragerU.
IE: You don't find the Klan marching for Bernie. The fact you even thought the KKK are currently Democrats is insane.
I'm speechless. I didn't know we went full Stormfront here.
Parties never flipped.
Proof? Source?
This is some serious Elite Level attempt at gaslighting. I just don't see the gain of outright lying on a message board. Especially when you just make statements with no sources or proof.
You can literally look at the party affiliation of Southern and Northern Congressman during that era, and see the date they announced they were switching parties. There are even recordings of speeches they made on why they switched parties on youtube.
@burntbyhellfire said:
Parties never flipped.
@heathen75: Must be nice to pull BS out of your ass and post it.
I just cited peer reviewed studies and fact check sources literally showing they did in very large areas of USA. This isn't even questioned outside of extreme right conspiracy circles.
Also, the KKK is not currently a Democrat group and to suggest this is absolutely mental. That's like saying BML is a conservative group. Due to the factual switch stated above, hate groups such as the KKK are primarily found in Red voting counties, and march in right wing rallies. Several studies classify them as a RIGHT WING extremist group.
@zaryia: Damn the email response, it still has your previous version as if you were calling me out, even though I too was calling out the 'Lincoln was a Republican' defense.
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