I won't deny there are some pretty shitty people in congress, but I genuinely think they all love America, or at least got into the job because of their love for America and desire to serve.
Now, some might love in questionable ways, and some may have lost their way and now serve themselves instead of their country...but I daresay none of them hate their country.
@Sevenizz said:
@LJS9502_basic: The only comedy is ignorant and unpatriotic Americans who don’t know why or how they live in the greatest country in the world.
Aren't you Canadian? Not saying you can't comment on US politics, just wondering how you know this is the greatest country in the world?
Also, the reason we are the greatest country in the world is because we are constantly questioning and criticizing certain parts of our system, and trying the improve. You don't stay #1 by simply saying "We're number 1!"; you stay number one by realizing you're never #1 for long and working to improve upon your old records.
@Sevenizz said:
@qx0d: Very agreeable speech. Many immigrants move to the US refusing to integrate or assimilate and bring their backwards customs and religions with them that are incompatible with the US constitution - the bedrock of American society. Also, capitalism is a belief every elected official should embrace and promote. Socialism is anti capitalism and never works.
Great job again Trump!
How can you call divisive speech like that "agreeable"?
As for assimilation/integration, to what extent? I feel that immigrants need some sort of assimilation, but they shouldn't have to forego all their traditions and customs. Jews still celebrate their holiday, Christians get theirs, Muslims and so on.
Socialism and capitalism are not mutually exclusive; in fact, I would argue a blend of both are needed in order to keep one another in check. That way we get the best of both worlds why cancelling out the negatives each one has to offer.
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