As we all know and agree that liberalism is just misery spread around equally.
Trump, finally a knight in shining armor with the courage to fight any foe, or any task with a warriors determination. He's bringing coal back. Sustainable energy, not the failing storage energy that Solar/Wind powered communists worship. He's finally dealing with the Global Warming/Flat earth believers and getting rid of the over regulations so we can get back to work and be a world super power again like god intended.
He will put forth a better healthcare replacement and get rid of liberal spies such as Paul Ryan who sabotaged him. Treachery will not go unpunished, and Trumps hands of justice will spread salvation all over these lands.
That wall will be glorious and will keep illegal people out. A land without borders is no land at all. Mexico's wall on their southern border works wonders for their country, a fact that traitor democrats seem to mention when talking about it.
He also is crushing ISIS. Why do you think there have been random skirmishes and attacks recently? They're scared and desperate.
I don't know how anybody can think anything but good things about this warrior angel. He will wrap his pearl white feathered divinity around us and usher in a new light.
God bless us all, and god bless Donald Trump.
I welcome your non-important opinions for discussion.

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