Trump thought being the President of the United States of America would be easier than his past life? Isn't that literally what he said? Jesus. The degree of stupidity needed not to be able to conceptualize the magnitude of responsibility of being the president and what a change of lifestyle it will be is hard to fathom. How could anyone not know that is going to change your life in a major way?
It's no wonder Trump speaks in such high idealisms about his plans; everything's going to be "tremendous", "wonderful", "great", "fantastic", it'll be done on his lunch break, yada yada's because he genuinely has no conception about what he speaks on so he promises the world in only a short timeframe. Then we get gems like, "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated" when those pesky particulars of policy rear their heads. Uh, yes you orange twat, many know (and have known) for years how complicated it is. The everyday joe blow who pays any attention to politics knows. Sad thing is, people fully believe what Trump says. He's been a con-man from day one who's been able to convince people to support him in a job that he had no idea what it entailed.
I can't even blame Trump for this really, as he obviously lacks the intelligence to grasp it. I'm sure the presidency is a system shock to anyone, but to think it'd be easier than his old life? That's a statement so unaware and ignorant that it borders on senility. I really hope Trump craves his old life, then he'll resign or only run for one term. God willing, but he won't. He'll gut it out as his ego won't let him quit.
Nope, it's only his health that can be relied on now for an early end to this sad comedy.
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