Let's take this from the top to clear things up. This was your initial reply to toocool340 stating:
Do people seriously not understand that attacking a persons nationality can also be filed under racist too?
Your reply:
I understand that's an idiotic concept that waters down the concept of racism to the point that it almost becomes an empty point of conversation and also severely waters down the real-world effects of real racism throughout history and in modern times.
My initial response to you wasn't unfounded (I don't know how to link to the specific post as you've been doing, so my apologies). You rejected the notion that nationalism can, and oft is, construed as racist under downright idiocy and argued that such a belief watered racism down until the concept was basically meaningless. Despite what you believe, this completely neglects the realities of racism and under which pretenses it is propagated in the world. Nationalism is, and always has been, one method of which racism operates, where it resides, and my response to you launched off on your repudiation of this.
I admittedly went off on a bit of a rant retrospectively, but not without basis. Why I qualified you as a Trump supporter is because I've seen some of your posts in other threads that have alluded to this belief (and if I'm mistaken in that, then I'll grant you that's my fault), and additionally this narrative is also a tactic of Trump supporters to attempt to draw a distinction between nationalism and race in Trump's defense, which while they certainly can be viewed as exclusive concepts, in the context of which this argument takes place, are conflated, or at the very best, blurred.
Your next reply to my post:
As demonstrated by your lack of capacity to understand that nationality is not the same as race, despite the fact that some Republicans use it as such... something that should be used against them, yet I see too many people like you agreeing with them. Which they later use to make you look like a complete idiot because they understand the difference and, apparently, you don't.
And, yes, the whole point of confusing them like this is to water down the discussions of real-world racism to the point the accusations become empty... and you're helping them. You are part of the problem.
My view on nationality and race isn't absolute. I don't align the former with the latter, I am not agreeing or disagreeing with Republicans in any concrete terms, context is relevant here. You immediately appear to ignorantly jump to the assumption that I'm broadly beholden to my perspective of nationalism and race when in fact I'm arguing that in exclusivity in the context of Trump's tweets and past, nationalism and racism are flirting on the borders of their delineations.
Are you honestly naive enough to deny that nationalism can never be attributed to race? A little look at some world history will demonstrate to you that the latter can easily piggyback onto the former and the former can, and has, been utilized to insidiously push such ideologies, and in the the manner aforementioned in my initial reply to you. By what criteria in distinction can you make the argument it does or doesn't? Where do you draw the line?
Now I could go more into our exchange post this, but it'd be too long and this is effectively where it derailed in seeming misunderstanding. All I was arguing was that I disagree with your position that viewing nationalism as synonymous with racism (in the context of Trump's statements, his behavior, and his rhetoric) as an idiotic concept that waters down the ramifications of racism is incredibly naive and dismissive to something that creates immense hardship. I agree nationalism does not always equate to racism, but let's not pretend it's absent any historical context, nor forget that this thread and argument obviously very much resides in one pertinent.
And as you have been one ITT who has argued that Trump's past gives him no benefits and that you believe it to be racist (yes?), I find it a tad amusing and curious that you'd make such a statement towards toocool and then act all indignant and incredulous when confronted when people are obviously going to be operating within the context where nationalism and race can very much be viewed as one and the same.
Had we not been discussing this in Trump's America, I'd have never taken a position of such contention with you.
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