@sakaixx: Looks like someone needs a history lesson.
Yes, Palestine derives from ancient Greek. Still not a state or country. The name however used today came from the 1960’s to describe Arabs in that region. Palestine doesn’t exist.
“Palestine” has had numerous chances to be there own state. The British or Peel Commission offered a two state independent solution in 1930’s, As much as 80-85% of Israel was offered to the Arabs, in return Israel would take the remaining 15-20%, Israel accepted and the Arabs rejected this. They wanted everything and didn’t want the Jews there.
In the late 40’s amid growing confrontation the UN offered another 2 state solution, once again Israel accepted and Arabs did not. So war broke out and Israel won.
Then in the 60’s “Palestine” was made another chance to be made a independent state, they rejected and the 6/7 day war happened and Israel won again. This time, Israel in hopes of good faith and a show of peace gave the Arabs land. A lot of land. They still reject the chance to be a independent state.
Then in the late 90’s and. 2000’s they had more chances. No matter what offer is made, Arabs reject any form of 2 state solution. Even when offered the chance to be the major majority. They reject Israel period and want Jew and Christians out. Israel even offered them Jerusalem at one point. Consider by scholars the most holy city on earth because Jews, Muslims and Christians all center there faith around that city. It doesn’t matter, the end game is getting the Jews and Christians out at all cost.
Palestine doesn’t exist. It’s never really existed, this conflict is everything to do with Islam and total control of the region and Islamic holy sites. “Palestine” is just a scape goat for radical Muslims to try and take the land and force Christians and Jews out. There is a reason more “advanced” Islamic countries have gone neutral in that region, because they see it for what it really is, a breeding ground for Islamic extremists. Every year Israel deals with terrorist attacks. That is the reason Arabs are being evicted. They have been warned so many times and peace has been offered so many times. The chance to coexist has been on the table to decades and one 1 side continues to reject peace, independence and co existence. Enough is enough and Israel is finally moving forward.
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