It's about as bad as the gossip magazines in my country. In other words it's basically useless. It exists more for entertainment purposes than having much of a practical function. But I don't find it entertaining, I find it upsetting. As with advertisements, I don't like being lied to. Worse than lying is when the media doesn't correct itself even after it's been made clear that it has written a (convenient) lie. That's devastating to its integrity because it showcases the true motivations are or allow them to consciously lie to the people.
I think the USA would be better off without news media than what they have now, because it is fuelling the polarization of Americans and twisting their minds, without much of the benefits. I think it's a dangerous situation. I would call it a crisis. And I would urge the USA to put more money into fact checking and setting up structures for volunteer fact checkers.
This is going to become a priority in all countries, anyway, because of the rise of astroturfing and tech such as the 5 second speech cloning and deep fakes. And I don't think too highly of most of the media I've seen outside the USA, and the USA is not alone in this situation.
A more pressing crisis is the influence of search engines and social media on politics (elections) because it's more advanced, effective, secretive. The only true solution to the interference of Google & Co is transparency. The indexes need to be made public. And (the most popular) social media need to be regarded as a platform which prohibits them from exercising global censorship. I have heard very few 2020 candidates talk about these problems or how they will deal with them. Even though these are some of the most pertinent dangers to the power of the USA people on government. And THAT is extremely concerning:
I honestly don't think democracy is going to last in the USA (if not because of this, because of the ever increasing concentration of wealth and the corporate interference with ethics (such as PayPal's) and that should be something on your mind whether you live in the USA or outside of it. Because whether the people in the USA maintain some power or lose it to an elite or corporations (no matter if it's intended or unorganised), it affects us all. We all use these services and we all deal with the USA. Ensure that YOUR country doesn't go down this path. But also keep an eye on the USA.
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