@mrbojangles25: Yeah, but the fines collected from illegal grows not only self-fund the teams not also goes to other department needs as well. The asset being forfeited is less lucrative for the house due to huge environmental issues and biohazard issues with the home; toxic mold which renders the house uninhabitable.
What people do in the privacy of their home is their business now, assuming it's not being a nuisance to the community (like illegal grows). I've taken a ungodly amount of reports stemming from Marijuana, especially weed rips when end up with a home invasion, murder, robberies, or other "Jerry Springer" esque drama. It's a prime vice product in lower socio-economic areas just like alcohol now. I can't stand the smell though, but I'd choose someone high on marijuana over being drunk anyday. I've never fought someone *just* high on marijuana (because the crazy indulge themselves on many other products with marijuana). I've fight a stupid amount of people drunk. Alcohol causes so many damn problems by the irresponsible.
California really doesn't lock people up for possession anymore, of any narcotic, except for certain circumstances (sex offender registrant). Meth pipes, and needles are extremely common now. So common that I rarely charge them for being in possession of narcotics paraphernalia... Because the juice isn't worth the squeeze (unless again, sex offender). That's my main issue with marijuana - the juice just isn't worth the squeeze. Go after the illegal dealers, but it's the tweakers hooked on the narcotics that commit the majority of property crimes. At least when certain narcotics were felonies, they would have mandatory court appearances and the judge can impose drug court, including narcotics anonymous classes, or treatment programs. The issue is that many drug users simply can't get clean, mental illness from the narcotics abuse had enveloped their lives; now the cycle is perpetual.
There's been a new push for targeting users who smoke and drive. It's a pretty big issue. I'm not DRE trained though, so I don't deal with DUI by drugs, just alcohol. It's a common expectation to see usage of marijuana go up with legalization, along with people who think it's okay to drive under the influence.
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