I'm in the process of rewiring things, and a lot of my consoles are in storage but these are the ones (not including handhelds) that are currently being used. Show us your retro stuff!
I used to have a Game Cube until a kid spilled Pepsi on it and shorted it out. I still have the PS2 (and PSP 1000) though. I was a longtime Amiga gamer. And yes. Every PC at home have Quake 2 in them.....
I'm just going to post some of the same pics of my upstairs entertainment rooms that I did in another setup thread.
@n64dd: I always liked the look of the Model 2 SEGA CD over the Model 1's, and unlike with the Genesis, there isn't a need to worry about differences in audio or video quality. :)
I'm still trying to track down a good deal on Panzer Dragoon Saga, I could buy it right now if I wanted but I don't want to spend that kind of money on a single game, I can wait it out.
The Gen 1 genesis on the gen 2 sega cd is stellar. A man that doesn't compromise!
I'm just going to post some of the same pics of my upstairs entertainment rooms that I did in another setup thread.
With the japanese cart. What kind of display are you running with this stuff. These threads always hit me in the gut a bit as I was one of the kids that had to sell in order to get the next thing. I've still got the N64, though most of my games were in a basement flood. I can't seem to find the best ones like Mario 64 and Waverace which makes me think they might not have been in it.
In defense of Nintendo quality, the flood was in 2010ish. I recieved the N64 back from a relative in 2014. So I waited that period of time to clean the games. Most of them still work. When I started playing Goldeneye I'm thinking to myself "how did I complete this game without really even thinking back then."
I've always wanted to pick up a 64DD. Probably should have before the prices got nuts. There's this artificial inflation going on to the point that if a developer isn't seeking money from a property I have no problem using a flash cart. I just picked up a model one genesis and the game prices are just wtf at this point. People holding back stock, etc--resellers don't seem to understand that they are actually killing their own market this way.
I'll post when I get set up eventually, but it isn't too much impressive.
@Heirren: Just my normal led high def tv currently. When I get the chance going to get a nice crt tv for it all. The prices for the n64dd has been stupid high for awhile. I got mine at a really good price. Now to find doshin 2 for a sane price :(.
I'm sure you've heard of the XRGB-mini, would you mind offering your opinion on it? I've had one sitting in my shopping cart for ages. I want to RGB mod most of my consoles and connect to it through SCART to my sony bravia LCD.
I have a CRT Trinitron with component input in my closet, but the Bravia comes close to it I just keep it in the closet. I was hoping the XRGB would provide a space-efficient compromise.
@Heirren: Just my normal led high def tv currently. When I get the chance going to get a nice crt tv for it all. The prices for the n64dd has been stupid high for awhile. I got mine at a really good price. Now to find doshin 2 for a sane price :(.
I'm sure you've heard of the XRGB-mini, would you mind offering your opinion on it? I've had one sitting in my shopping cart for ages. I want to RGB mod most of my consoles and connect to it through SCART to my sony bravia LCD.
I have a CRT Trinitron with component input in my closet, but the Bravia comes close to it I just keep it in the closet. I was hoping the XRGB would provide a space-efficient compromise.
I personally don't get the XRGB. Seems like a waste of money unless I'm missing something. On a decent Sony Trinitron I don't think you'll be upset with the quality through component. From my understanding any scaling will create some level of lag, in addition to the lag already present in plasma/lcd. You are better off looking into picking up a Sony bvm/pvm, imo.
@Heirren: Just my normal led high def tv currently. When I get the chance going to get a nice crt tv for it all. The prices for the n64dd has been stupid high for awhile. I got mine at a really good price. Now to find doshin 2 for a sane price :(.
I'm sure you've heard of the XRGB-mini, would you mind offering your opinion on it? I've had one sitting in my shopping cart for ages. I want to RGB mod most of my consoles and connect to it through SCART to my sony bravia LCD.
I have a CRT Trinitron with component input in my closet, but the Bravia comes close to it I just keep it in the closet. I was hoping the XRGB would provide a space-efficient compromise.
I personally don't get the XRGB. Seems like a waste of money unless I'm missing something. On a decent Sony Trinitron I don't think you'll be upset with the quality through component. From my understanding any scaling will create some level of lag, in addition to the lag already present in plasma/lcd. You are better off looking into picking up a Sony bvm/pvm, imo.
I think the point is to let a dedicated device (XRGB) perform the processing from analog to digital video which allows reducing the processing done by the TV (at least I think). The delay is only 20ms which is pretty amazing. I think you can use it as an AV switch which is kinda cool too.
Can the N64 and SNES even output component?
@Heirren: Just my normal led high def tv currently. When I get the chance going to get a nice crt tv for it all. The prices for the n64dd has been stupid high for awhile. I got mine at a really good price. Now to find doshin 2 for a sane price :(.
I'm sure you've heard of the XRGB-mini, would you mind offering your opinion on it? I've had one sitting in my shopping cart for ages. I want to RGB mod most of my consoles and connect to it through SCART to my sony bravia LCD.
I have a CRT Trinitron with component input in my closet, but the Bravia comes close to it I just keep it in the closet. I was hoping the XRGB would provide a space-efficient compromise.
I personally don't get the XRGB. Seems like a waste of money unless I'm missing something. On a decent Sony Trinitron I don't think you'll be upset with the quality through component. From my understanding any scaling will create some level of lag, in addition to the lag already present in plasma/lcd. You are better off looking into picking up a Sony bvm/pvm, imo.
I think the point is to let a dedicated device (XRGB) perform the processing from analog to digital video which allows reducing the processing done by the TV (at least I think). The delay is only 20ms which is pretty amazing. I think you can use it as an AV switch which is kinda cool too.
Can the N64 and SNES even output component?
To an lcd/plasma I am assuming, right?
N64 is model dependent, and I think SNES is too.
Right now I'm still working on getting things all sorted out and how I want things set up. Currently using a nice(r) JVC 36inch. I have a much nicer 24inch panasonic and a production monitor. I'm only using Svideo with the N64 and the picture is actually not bad at all. Analog, so the quality of the cable matters--I have one by Pelican. I am still on the lookout for a decent deal on a Sony bvmf1u. Might end up using two sets, I'm not sure.
If I were you I'd pull out the crt and play a bit. Then if you've got a modern console with old games, or just a pc/laptop with an emulator, I'd try that on the lcd/plasma just to see the lag. The games play differently on crt. I don't see exactly how an xrgb rids the monitor of lag.
Hello all, just arrived on this site. Spotted a retro gaming section so thought I'd showcase my predominently Megadrive and SNES collections. Hope you like :-)
Yes to an LCD. American jungle green N64, american mini SNES. There's no noticeable lag using the LCD with composite cables, I'm assuming the deinterlacer/scaler in the TV is OK. In a side-by-side comparison the colors are slightly better on the CRT and the CRT is a little brighter for some reason...I could see a properly scaled console image looking better on the LCD.
To my understanding...the video output from older consoles is analog and when input to a HDTV/LCD undergoes analog to digital conversion (among other image processing), this process takes time which is why you see some bad input latency with some TVs. The signal processor handling the analog to digital in the TV is shit, the point of the XRGB is that it has a fast video processor to handle these conversions. When the video signal leaves the XRGB it is digital and the TV no longer needs to convert from analog to digital. If the TV took 100ms to do the A->D conversion and the XRGB can do it in 20ms then in that case the XRGB could reduce overall input latency. There are probably other factors that I'm not accounting for which would throw off my whole theory :P But it seems like the XRGB has little downsides other than price.
I would hate to clog up this thread though, maybe we can get a scaler thread going one of these days.
Wow, I was looking for a thread like this here a little over a month ago. Nice to see some great collections posted so far. I also spot an N64 DD in the wild, nice to see that as well. @n64dd I feel your pain on both Doshin 2 and Japan Golf, $300 for a single game is insane, though I also do not have the randnet modem(only the disk) nor the big box for the mario paint, again only a disk :(
My current Room of Doom is a mixture of both modern and retro, my game collection features more than 50 unique gaming systems and handhelds, and quite possibly over 3000 games(I lost count after 2000), as such this post will have multiple edits and probably wont be entirely finished. Some items sadly will not be in these photos, as I have not had the time to create a new Room of Doom photoset, as such I will list recent pick ups at the end of the post. I also must apologize as I have realized a large amount of my atari, pc and handheld items did not find their way into this photo set.
These photos will start from the door where you enter the room, and go clockwise around the room.
Pic 1: On the left we have a CD Rack with some games for the SegaCD, Sega Saturn imports, 3do, Turbo Grafx 16, and the Memorex VIS. Next to that we have the Gears of War 3 CE, Halo Reach LE, Max Payne 3 CE, and Bioshock 2 CE. And in the hallway is about half of my PC games ranging from the old DOS days to modern PC games.
Pic 2: This shot is fairly obvious, this is most of the Xbox & Xbox 360 collection, around 300 games on each, highlighted by my Kirby's Adventure Pillow on the wall, Fallout NV CE, Titanfall controller, Marcus Fenix Action Figure, Gears of War Immulsion energy drink, Halo themed HeroClix figures and a Viva Pinata 360 Faceplate.
Pic 3: Always been a fan of Bungie, though their latest game has me questioning my dedication to them.
Pic 4: More visible image of the left TV, 1080p 120Hz Samsung 40" and the Xbox and Sega Consoles attached to it. We have an Xbox One and Sega Dreamcast on the first shelf, Xbox 360, 360 HD-DVD, and Sega Saturn below that, and on the bottom is the Pioneer LaserActive with Sega Pac to play Genesis & SegaCD games and an Apple Bandai PiPPiN @World, the incredibly rare US version of the @Mark from Japan. This was Apples first, and as far as I know, only attempt at a video game console.
Pic 5: Although the screen is a bit more blurry, the shot of the consoles is more clear. Here we have my 1080p 120Hz Bravia 40", with a Retron 5, N64 & imported N64 Disk Drive, GameCube, Wii & WiiU on the first shelf, and my launch 60g PS3 and PS4 on the lower shelf next to my 5.1 system.
Pic 6: From top to bottom we have PSP games on top, PS3 games on shelf 1, PS4, WiiU, Nuon & PSVita games on shelf 2, Xbox 1, DS & 3DS games on the 3rd shelf, Blu-rays on the 4th and HD-DVDs next to a Pirates of the Carribean CE w/treasure chest DVD/Blu-ray combo on the bottom.
Pic 7: Here we have the bulk of my classic consoles, all in working order though not hooked up at this time.
From top the top left and going right, we have an Intellivision stacked on top of a Memorex VIS, a Memorex Odyssey 200 on top of a VM Labs Nuon/Toshiba SD2300 DVD player, and an Atari 800XL on top of of a Phillips CD-i 220.
On the next shelf we have the Atari 5200, 2600 Jr, 2600 Vader Ed. and Unisonic Pong.
Below that is the extremely popular Super Nintendo and NES both stacked on N64 containers holding my loose N64 games, with the Atari Jaguar and 7800 to the right of them. I am still dying to get the Jaguar CD attachment, it is one of my most sought after items after the Neo Geo AES.
On the second to last shelf we have another Sega Saturn, a MK1 Sega Genesis with MK1 Sega CD and 32x, Sega Master System, and a Turbo Grafx 16 with Turbo CD attachment & booster.
And on the bottom shelf we have the original Xbox, Playstation 2, Playstation 1, PSOne, Panasonic 3DO, and the Magnavox CD-i 450.
Pic 8: This is just the entrance to the walk-in closet, Sega Nomad & Nintendo Virtual Boy on top of some pull out shelves that hold loose catridges for some of the older systems(2600 5200) and loose manuals(in the box on the floor). In the front here we have the Titanfall LE, GTA4 LE, Destiny CE, Dark Souls 2 LE, ACUnity CE and the Duke Nukem Forever CE.
Along with some accessories for the Gameboy and some sealed NES items(controllers & 4 tap) we have a ton of NES, SNES & N64DD games.
Pic 9: A better idea of the entire walk-in, most of my console boxes are on the shelves above, with some LE/CE games atop the media towers, boxed handheld games, N-Gage, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, GameCube, and Wii Games on the main media tower. Wonderswan, SwanColor, SwanCrystal, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Vita, PSP, GBA SP, DS & 3DS boxed on top.
Pic 10: Closeup of the PS2, GameCube and Wii games on the main tower.
Pic 11: Boxed GameGear, Gameboy/Color/Advance, Game.Com, NES, SNES & N64 games on the right side mini-tower.
Pic 12: Boxed Sega Master System and Genesis games with two old cassette/cartridge holders filled with loose Genesis games, one of which is branded with the Genesis logo.
Pic 13: Boxed Genesis, Sega CD, Sega Saturn and Sega Pico games with a few loose Genesis & 32x games.
Somewhere along the way I must have forgotten to take a shot of my GB/GBA and GGear loose carts. Since these photos were taken I have added somewhere between 50-100 games, an Atari 400, and an Atari 410 programmers module. Over the years the thrift stores have been kind to me, but the pickins are getting slim now. *curses ebay*
Hope you all enjoyed the tour of my gaming room, can't wait to see some more collections out there, I can assure you, even though I have a lot of games, I will find something in your collection I wish I had. :)
Wow, I was looking for a thread like this here a little over a month ago. Nice to see some great collections posted so far. I also spot an N64 DD in the wild, nice to see that as well. @n64dd I feel your pain on both Doshin 2 and Japan Golf, $300 for a single game is insane, though I also do not have the randnet modem(only the disk) nor the big box for the mario paint, again only a disk :(
My current Room of Doom is a mixture of both modern and retro, my game collection features more than 50 unique gaming systems and handhelds, and quite possibly over 3000 games(I lost count after 2000), as such this post will have multiple edits and probably wont be entirely finished. Some items sadly will not be in these photos, as I have not had the time to create a new Room of Doom photoset, as such I will list recent pick ups at the end of the post. I also must apologize as I have realized a large amount of my atari, pc and handheld items did not find their way into this photo set.
These photos will start from the door where you enter the room, and go clockwise around the room.
Pic 1: On the left we have a CD Rack with some games for the SegaCD, Sega Saturn imports, 3do, Turbo Grafx 16, and the Memorex VIS. Next to that we have the Gears of War 3 CE, Halo Reach LE, Max Payne 3 CE, and Bioshock 2 CE. And in the hallway is about half of my PC games ranging from the old DOS days to modern PC games.
Pic 2: This shot is fairly obvious, this is most of the Xbox & Xbox 360 collection, around 300 games on each, highlighted by my Kirby's Adventure Pillow on the wall, Fallout NV CE, Titanfall controller, Marcus Fenix Action Figure, Gears of War Immulsion energy drink, Halo themed HeroClix figures and a Viva Pinata 360 Faceplate.
Pic 3: Always been a fan of Bungie, though their latest game has me questioning my dedication to them.
Pic 4: More visible image of the left TV, 1080p 120Hz Samsung 40" and the Xbox and Sega Consoles attached to it. We have an Xbox One and Sega Dreamcast on the first shelf, Xbox 360, 360 HD-DVD, and Sega Saturn below that, and on the bottom is the Pioneer LaserActive with Sega Pac to play Genesis & SegaCD games and an Apple Bandai PiPPiN @World, the incredibly rare US version of the @Mark from Japan. This was Apples first, and as far as I know, only attempt at a video game console.
Pic 5: Although the screen is a bit more blurry, the shot of the consoles is more clear. Here we have my 1080p 120Hz Bravia 40", with a Retron 5, N64 & imported N64 Disk Drive, GameCube, Wii & WiiU on the first shelf, and my launch 60g PS3 and PS4 on the lower shelf next to my 5.1 system.
Pic 6: From top to bottom we have PSP games on top, PS3 games on shelf 1, PS4, WiiU, Nuon & PSVita games on shelf 2, Xbox 1, DS & 3DS games on the 3rd shelf, Blu-rays on the 4th and HD-DVDs next to a Pirates of the Carribean CE w/treasure chest DVD/Blu-ray combo on the bottom.
Pic 7: Here we have the bulk of my classic consoles, all in working order though not hooked up at this time.
From top the top left and going right, we have an Intellivision stacked on top of a Memorex VIS, a Memorex Odyssey 200 on top of a VM Labs Nuon/Toshiba SD2300 DVD player, and an Atari 800XL on top of of a Phillips CD-i 220.
On the next shelf we have the Atari 5200, 2600 Jr, 2600 Vader Ed. and Unisonic Pong.
Below that is the extremely popular Super Nintendo and NES both stacked on N64 containers holding my loose N64 games, with the Atari Jaguar and 7800 to the right of them. I am still dying to get the Jaguar CD attachment, it is one of my most sought after items after the Neo Geo AES.
On the second to last shelf we have another Sega Saturn, a MK1 Sega Genesis with MK1 Sega CD and 32x, Sega Master System, and a Turbo Grafx 16 with Turbo CD attachment & booster.
And on the bottom shelf we have the original Xbox, Playstation 2, Playstation 1, PSOne, Panasonic 3DO, and the Magnavox CD-i 450.
Pic 8: This is just the entrance to the walk-in closet, Sega Nomad & Nintendo Virtual Boy on top of some pull out shelves that hold loose catridges for some of the older systems(2600 5200) and loose manuals(in the box on the floor). In the front here we have the Titanfall LE, GTA4 LE, Destiny CE, Dark Souls 2 LE, ACUnity CE and the Duke Nukem Forever CE.
Along with some accessories for the Gameboy and some sealed NES items(controllers & 4 tap) we have a ton of NES, SNES & N64DD games.
Pic 9: A better idea of the entire walk-in, most of my console boxes are on the shelves above, with some LE/CE games atop the media towers, boxed handheld games, N-Gage, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, GameCube, and Wii Games on the main media tower. Wonderswan, SwanColor, SwanCrystal, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Vita, PSP, GBA SP, DS & 3DS boxed on top.
Pic 10: Closeup of the PS2, GameCube and Wii games on the main tower.
Pic 11: Boxed GameGear, Gameboy/Color/Advance, Game.Com, NES, SNES & N64 games on the right side mini-tower.
Pic 12: Boxed Sega Master System and Genesis games with two old cassette/cartridge holders filled with loose Genesis games, one of which is branded with the Genesis logo.
Pic 13: Boxed Genesis, Sega CD, Sega Saturn and Sega Pico games with a few loose Genesis & 32x games.
Somewhere along the way I must have forgotten to take a shot of my GB/GBA and GGear loose carts. Since these photos were taken I have added somewhere between 50-100 games, an Atari 400, and an Atari 410 programmers module. Over the years the thrift stores have been kind to me, but the pickins are getting slim now. *curses ebay*
Hope you all enjoyed the tour of my gaming room, can't wait to see some more collections out there, I can assure you, even though I have a lot of games, I will find something in your collection I wish I had. :)
Good god! I have some catching up to do! Excellent collection/archive. You have any sealed games? Also doshin 2 and the golf i've been seeing go for over 700-800, where you seeing it going for 300?
@n64dd Yes, I have a few sealed games, not very many as I don't emphasize them due to the cost, almost all of my sealed games came from thrift stores.
So far I have Jak 2 & 3, FFX-2, Contra: Shattered Soldier, Dark Cloud 2, Siren, Ratchet & Clank, R&C Going Commando, R&C Up Your Arsenal, R&C Size Matters, Sly Cooper 1 & 2, Syphon Filter: Omega Strain, and Wild Arms 3 on PS2. Bought them all at a thrift store for an average of $7.50 each except FFX-2 which I got retail for $20, never finished FFX so I never opened it.
On PS1 I have Castlevania: SOTN GH I got for $20, Resident Evil 3 black label I bought retail for $40 way back in the day, Threads of Fate 2, Nightmare Creatures 2 and Wild Arms 2 which I got out of a Circuit City clearance bin for $20 total.
I have Conkers Bad Fur Day on the N64, found at the thrift for $24, and Perfect Dark which I bought for $5 before Gamestop destroyed the excess way back in the day, needless to say PD had way too many carts made, can still easily find it for $10-20 on ebay or maybe less.
Gravity Rush, Unit 13 and Walking Dead S2 for Vita, found in Target clearance section recently for $5 each.
Donkey Kong, Mario 3d world, Nintendo Land and Smash Wii U still sealed on WiiU
Windwaker and Smash Melee sealed on the GameCube, bought with the PS2 games for $7 & 9
50 Cent Bulletproof and Voodoo Vince on Xbox, both bought retail for under $20 many years ago.
The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls on PS3, bought retail for $20 total
Bust a move 3 on Saturn, Golf & Lega Alpha Team on GB, Fifa on Sega CD, Ninja Gaiden 3 CE, Defiance Von Bach Edition and Aliens Colonial Marines on 360, Tron Evolution CE on ps3.
And lastly my Big Box PC games I have Alone in the Dark(the atari remake), Byzantine, Caesar 2, Conan, Dragons Lair 2, Escape from Monkey Island, Machine Hunter, Mummy: Tomb of the Pharoah, Myst, Star Wars Dark Forces and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire. All from thrift stores and all less than $5
Guess I have more than I thought.
On the Doshin 2 front, I guess I haven't checked in a while, cheapest one I see now is just under $600. Japan Golf for $489, both on ebay.
@n64dd Yes, I have a few sealed games, not very many as I don't emphasize them due to the cost, almost all of my sealed games came from thrift stores.
So far I have Jak 2 & 3, FFX-2, Contra: Shattered Soldier, Dark Cloud 2, Siren, Ratchet & Clank, R&C Going Commando, R&C Up Your Arsenal, R&C Size Matters, Sly Cooper 1 & 2, Syphon Filter: Omega Strain, and Wild Arms 3 on PS2. Bought them all at a thrift store for an average of $7.50 each except FFX-2 which I got retail for $20, never finished FFX so I never opened it.
On PS1 I have Castlevania: SOTN GH I got for $20, Resident Evil 3 black label I bought retail for $40 way back in the day, Threads of Fate 2, Nightmare Creatures 2 and Wild Arms 2 which I got out of a Circuit City clearance bin for $20 total.
I have Conkers Bad Fur Day on the N64, found at the thrift for $24, and Perfect Dark which I bought for $5 before Gamestop destroyed the excess way back in the day, needless to say PD had way too many carts made, can still easily find it for $10-20 on ebay or maybe less.
Gravity Rush, Unit 13 and Walking Dead S2 for Vita, found in Target clearance section recently for $5 each.
Donkey Kong, Mario 3d world, Nintendo Land and Smash Wii U still sealed on WiiU
Windwaker and Smash Melee sealed on the GameCube, bought with the PS2 games for $7 & 9
50 Cent Bulletproof and Voodoo Vince on Xbox, both bought retail for under $20 many years ago.
The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls on PS3, bought retail for $20 total
Bust a move 3 on Saturn, Golf & Lega Alpha Team on GB, Fifa on Sega CD, Ninja Gaiden 3 CE, Defiance Von Bach Edition and Aliens Colonial Marines on 360, Tron Evolution CE on ps3.
And lastly my Big Box PC games I have Alone in the Dark(the atari remake), Byzantine, Caesar 2, Conan, Dragons Lair 2, Escape from Monkey Island, Machine Hunter, Mummy: Tomb of the Pharoah, Myst, Star Wars Dark Forces and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire. All from thrift stores and all less than $5
Guess I have more than I thought.
On the Doshin 2 front, I guess I haven't checked in a while, cheapest one I see now is just under $600. Japan Golf for $489, both on ebay.
Not bad. I concentrate heavily on sealed games. I have sealed copies of DD games actually. Finishing up all the mario games sealed currently. Just missing mario 1 on nes and super mario world.
@n64dd: I saw your post on the sealed Mario 1, too bad the shrink was cut/split. Also curious, when you say Mario 1 do you mean Mario Bros or Super Mario Bros? And are you only collecting the Nintendo console Mario games or also CD-i and Atari/Intellivision Marios?
@n64dd: Now see, if you had an extra $600 laying around, you could have all 3 atari Mario Bros games(2600 5200 & 7800). Unless I win the auction for the 2600 version which is currently $25 :D
I am going to pin this topic to the top of the board for the time being. Lets see how this one goes.
Some good work from @n64dd on this board.
@n64dd: Didn't even bid, Heavensward CE & TESO Imperial Edition took all my June funds, and with Sept-Nov being so heavy in game releases I'll probably be limited to garage sale & thrift finds until Sept just to make sure I have extra $$ during the holiday season.
@n64dd: Didn't even bid, Heavensward CE & TESO Imperial Edition took all my June funds, and with Sept-Nov being so heavy in game releases I'll probably be limited to garage sale & thrift finds until Sept just to make sure I have extra $$ during the holiday season.
TESO Imperial edition sucked me in too :D
It's too bad TESO and FFXIV HW had to drop at the same time, I enjoy the heck out of TESO, but FFXIV is just too damn good. I hadn't played it in a few months, and I was on for maybe 10 minutes and got hooked again.
Finally got around to RGB modding my SNES and got some RGB cables for my Genesis. N64 is using s-video and there is a Gamecube and Wii behind the TV. The Wii is modded and I use it for emulators with a Hori GC pad. The Xbox has a mod chip and 300GB HDD but I don't really use it much anymore, the OS I have installed doesn't run very well.
I also put in some pictures of RGB on the Sony PVM and on the LCD using an XRGB-mini (LTTP shot). Right-click and open link in new tab to view image fully.
@achilles614: so, explain me, you got your modern consoles plugged to a screen and the older consoles plugged to that tiny TV ?
Either or. Right now I have xbone, wii u, ps3 plugged directly into the LCD... wii, GC, SNES go through the xrgbmini (upscales to 720p, adds scanlines) then to LCD. I usually keep my Genesis and N64 on the CRT. I move the CRT (it has handles) to a small table when I want to use it. I also have the XRGBmini output to an HDMI splitter with the 2nd output going to my asus 24inch monitor, playing N64/GC on a pc monitor is pretty cool.
I use the consoles on the display I feel represents them the best imo.
Someone finally cloned the gamecube component cable using an FPGA...so I look forward to upgrading my GC's video output soon. I'm also slowly making a portable N64 (have it wired up just need to put in a case), so once that's done I can play N64 in bed :P
and suicide if your comment was at me, thanks!
@achilles614: It was, pretty much all my favs minus a dreamcast in there.
I have a dreamcast but sadly the only game I have is PSO, the rest got lost over the years. I would like to hook that up using VGA to my LCD when I get more games.
@raugutcon Only the lttp shot, here are some more. Looks much better in person..also the aspect ratio got screwed up in some shots because I was using the wrong settings on XRGB. Threw in a composite video snes pic to show the difference (it's the first lttp shot).
Some new mixed with some old. (too lazy to crop stuff out) These pictures aren't current either since I am currently having a new house built. I got some great ideas from this thread though!
@achilles614: thanks, I certainly can see a lot of difference in the quality of the image between image 1 and image 3 & 4, you may think I´m a nosy little sob but technical stuff like this is not exactly my field I´m pretty much ignorant ( I still can´t appreciate the difference between 30 & 60 FPS ), you tell me the XRGB upscales the image; I have all my systems plugged to a LCD, those with HD output ( 3: PS3, PS4, X360 ) to one of the HD ports and those with AV output to the AV port ( 3: Wii, GC, PS2 ), what would be the difference between the XRGB and this device in the picture quality ?
The reason why I ask is because, even though I do have a CRT, I don´t have room to place it, if I can upgrade the signal quality of my older systems it would be fine since my LCD has 3 HD ports I can do the same I did with the other 3, plug them all together into one output.
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