Poll Ridge Racer vs Daytona (12 votes)
I am over 20 years late on this one but I'm interested in seeing people's opinions. I absolutely loved these 2 games growing up. Their graphics for that time was simply amazing. At the arcades in London (Trocadero and Sega World) they had the 8 player Daytona with the actual cars and wheels. The queue to play was massive, about 20-35 folks lined up. Ridge Racer had only 3 cars and the queue was a lot smaller, about 5-7 people. I had a PS1 and eventually got Ridge Racer on that, so I guess I became to appreciate it more than Daytona.
They just don't make Racers like they used to but anyway, which game do you prefer? and share your childhood stories about them. How you discovered them etc.
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