SNES was what got me interested in RPGs with Super Mario RPG but it was mostly RPGs on PS1 that I grew up with. (it was also where I originally played a few of the SNES greats Final Fantasy IV/VI and Chrono Trigger) Now I really love both but I'd probably give the edge to Playstation as it has more of my favorites. (Lunar 1-2, Suikoden 1-2, Final Fantasy IX/Tactics, Arc the Lad 1-2, Breath of Fire 3-4, Parasite Eve, Alundra, Vagrant Story) SNES has great ones as well though(A Link to the Past, Lufia II, Breath of Fire II, Final Fantasy II/III, Illusion of Gaia, Super Mario RPG).
I still need to play some of the fan translated RPGs on SNES like the Fire Emblem games(really enjoy the series on GBA/GC/3DS), Rudra no Hihou, Bahamut Lagoon, etc.
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