How about this...
It was made by one of those cheap rip off developers that rushed their console to where it barely works kinda like the CD-i.
When the game so how works looks like a horrible mess of a game with music rip right from Sonic Labyrinth.
The graphics look like a mix between a bad Genesis game with a touch of NES and Atari 2600 to get the single worst graphics in existence.
The controls are just as bad as Batman Forever on SNES with an input on the first controller to connect the second one like an 3D0.
Similar to CD-i you will need to put a controllers in the back though there's as short as an Famicom controllers I'm not kidding.
It reused a broken NES that now looks more like an Egg shaped Genesis cartridge I had as an kid.
Almost everything even the walls can kill you like Tails Skypatrol.
The Bosses are flat out unfair to where you would turn off the game and never play it again.
If that's not bad enough then the only way to get a password is to say no on the continue screen like Sparkster on the Genesis.
By the way there's not extra lives or continues making this the only possible thing worst than playing some of LJN games well enjoy it hahahahaha.
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