It's hard to say why Sonic takes more flack than some other dying franchises, but for my money it's the insane amount of fandom for him mainly due to Sonic X introducing a whole new younger set to him and in fairness, there hasn't been an Earthworm Jim game in a long time (at least the original is downloadable) and usually only one Crash and Spyro game are crapped out each year.
And the saddest part is people remember the way Sonic USED to be. Most of you are too young to remember how it was back in the early 90s where he rivaled Mario and was as recognized as Mickey Mouse. If you weren't around in those times I can't describe how it was like which makes his fall from grace even more sad.
Truly it's amazing any franchise stays around as long as it has and still retains it's populairty. As well as his games sell, Mario's 3D games still don't have the outstanding numbers his 2D games have. (Compare Super Mario Galaxy's 9 million units to NSMB 20 million units) The Nintendo franchises are the lucky rare exceptions. Look at all the other once great franchises that have faltered over the years.
Remember when everyone wanted to play Mortal Kombat? Now it has to resort to a T rated crossover with DC.
Remember when everyone fantasized about Lara Croft? Now she's become a lot like Sonic.
Remember when Doom was the must have PC shooter? Doom 3 was a decent Halo clone at best.
The only thing sadder watching a franchise cut off in its prime is watching it decay slowly over the years because it still has its fans even though the mania it once had is long gone.
But Sonic's flack mostly come from the zealot fans (and sadly furries) who love to defend that the series is still good and that it's all bias from the critics. You never have the insane Spyro or Crash camps. Those series are now just bargain bin kids games that no one cares about and slowly Sonic is getting closer to that.
But also it come from the saddened Sega fans. The Dreamcast died 10 years ago and a lot of fans refuse to let go as they watched a company that meant as much to them as Nintendo means to me and chocolate slowly wither away like Atari did. Desperately searching through the garbage dump of Sega published games to find any shining gem reminscent of a time gone by as they watch as Sonic continues to be raped repeatedly.
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