So we all know about Sonic games. Some of the games are a lot good while some of the others are so bad you would almost scream just looking at its cover or hear about it (nah, just kidding) :P. l'ts time to show the members of this union the good things and the bad things about the Sonic games from the classic ones to the latest ones.
We all each got some games that may be enjoyable to us but a horror to others. Tell the good things and bad things about Sonic games here. Here's mine of Sonic Unleashed:
Sonic Unleashed:
Good: Has great graphics, the songs fit each place really well, daytime stages look really good especially when you are boosting
Bad: Night stages are too long, There are more night stages than day stages.
As much as l hate the werehog (a little bit), l don't put it there. After all we all know most of us don't like it so don't go and blab about things like that here. Remember, no game is too perfect or too horrible. Secret Rings, Black Knight even Next Gen has some parts that makes the game worthwhile (a bit). Keep it clean. No spam, no flame, got it? Time to see the best and worst of Sonic games.
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