sonic has had his ups and downs when it comes to music. while music on the genesis was catchy technoish kind of rythems it was totally differint in the adventure titles when crush 40 was in alot of sonic games. some like them some didnt. but i hope we can all agree that we never want to hear knuckles rap songs from sonic adventure ever again. then in sonic unleashed therre was the song endless possibilities which was pretty positivley looked upon. so what kind of songs would you use for a sonic game? techno? rock? somewhere in between? or if you have a specefic song in mind that would be good to. it dosent have to be a song for the MAIIN theme of the game but post a link to the song you think would work good in a sonic game:)
here is a suggestion for a song SOMEWHERE on a sonic game. not the main theme but somewhere.
i know we all have differint tastes so post your song suggestion:)
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