he's only batting .070 with 1 homer and 3 rbi's. now he's only 32, but he has had some injury problems in the past. do you htink this is just a bad slump or has he peaked from his past numbers?
it's only the second week of the season. Now if he's doing bad at the all star break then this could be open for discussion. But until then the media and everyone needs to relax a bit.
He's a hitter. It's just a slump. It's mental not physical. That knee is fine. He had since December to heal up from a minor surgery. He just needs to get over his mental roadblock. he looks like he thinks he's going to strike out everytime he steps up to the plate. the old Papi looked like he knew he waw about to hit a homer. Give it awhile.
Oh, PS: I think Papi has alreayd peaked and you wont see any 50+ HR seasons. But he wills till be a 35-45 hr 110-120 rbi man for years to come.
If you look back he was never a everyday player untill the Sox. So he may be 32 but he hasnt been used as much as most 32 year old players who have have been everyday players. Plus he plays DH here. So He has another 4-6years left before he is done.
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