All the haters must go drink the I was wrong Cool-aide.
Bottom Line is the Skins offensive Line is among the best in football right now. And CP Is clearly a top 3 back in the NFL.
And lets just say the Skins D have been shutting people down. Even after getting down on the score board they hold there ground and stay calm and then apply the the grip of an anaconda. Lets even go back to the Giants game. Now that I look at that first game of the year. The Skins held them to 1 TD yes only 1 TD. And the Skins basically started shutting them down but it was to late. That was a game that was just to emotional for the Skins first game and Super Bowl champs having there celebration. But if you think about it on the road first game the Skins played them better then anyone else thus far.
And let just take a look at Jason The BEAST Campbell. Can we all say now the Skins have there franchise QB on LOCK for many more years now. He is Turing into a freaking MONSTER. So effiant and smart he is. Hmm Yoda see's much wisdom and force in this one.
Lets also look at now the Skins get all the big boys coming to Fedex now. So look out the Skins will be looking to really poor on the PUNISHMENT now on the NFC East.
One more thing the Skins beat a good philly team in Phily with 4 of there Defensive key starters out. So this is a very impressive Skins team boys and girls.
I full expect to see the Skins improve even further as the season goes on. And man they may become deadly. As a matter of fact the Skins could of whooped Philly even worst if not for some bad calls especially the kickoff run back were they picked up the flag and gave them a free TD. And also the one when Randel El was never touched that was TD. But they called the play dead way after the fact. What bad home field refs yesterday. So really the Skins should of put a beat down on Phily. And really Phily should of only had 1 legit TD score.
Anyway the Skins are FOR REAL. And will only get even better and this means NASTY PAIN for the rest of the NFL when they come to Fedex for a Skins BEAT DOWN.
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