;_ylt=Ailjf.5RCNwL2KR.IUZJvzk5nYcB?slug=jp-marlinsfinancials082410 Looks like another set of con artists in MLB, Selig has let this league become a joke.
My question is: How does a team manage to hide the fact that they made an operating income of $37.8 million the year prior? You'd think such a key financial figure would be integral in Miami-Dade county deciding whether or not to approve public funding for a new Marlins' stadium. If owners want public funds to help finance their baseball teams in any way they should be forced to disclose full financial statements. Here we go right at the end of the article; this is where everything went wrong: "During the county commissioners' stadium tete-a-tetes with the Marlins, they asked time and again for the team to release its financial statements. It was only fair, right? The county was willing to pledge billions of dollars. It deserved to know who would reap the bounty. The Marlins never budged."
It's a shame they don't put that money on the field. The Marlins have a talented team, but are seriously lacking in some areas. If they spent some of that money on a damn bullpen and bench we might actually be in playoff contention. Things should get better with the new stadium. The operative word being should. The only encouraging signs are that they've signed Ramirez and Johnson to long-term contracts and are said to be working on contracts with Uggla and Nolasco.
It's a shame they do not use that money to make the team better, the Marlins' owner either needs to make some effort to improve the team or sell the team.
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