So I downloaded the MLB 2K10 demo to check it out since I have heard it's actually looking pretty good and that Visual Concepts only had 3/4's of the time to make last years baseball game (which is supposedly a big reason why it was horrid). I'm not going to lie to you, I'm impressed! I own a PS3 and MLB 09 The Show is epic, but MLB 2K10 is looking great! The hitting and the pitching alone are reason enough to make any baseball fan cry tears of joy! The fielding also played really well (I've only played 8 innings or so, but what I saw was crisp and much better than last year, especially double plays) and the animations were solid. Also, the presentation is stellar! I hit a grounder with Jeter to Rollins and it was going to be a close play at 1st. Rollins whips it and as it gets about halfway to the bag the view changes to where you are behind the ball and can see the runner and it goes slow-mo so you can see if you are safe or not. It is really cool to see! Also, with missed swings it shows an overhead view and lets you take a look at the swing reviewer.
I was dead set on picking up MLB 10 The Show until playing MLB 2K10 because I am really surprised (and happy) with the changes they made. I very much prefer hitting with the stick (especially this year because it works very well) and pitching with the stick, but the changes to the fielding may have put it over the top for me. I'm probably going to have to rent both and see which one I like more... Stupid sports games complicating my life!
Has anyone else played it yet? What do you think?
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