The Yankees' yearly budget has remained largely stagnant for the past several years at around $200 million. At the end of this season, it's not very likely that both Mike Mussina and Jason Giambi will remain Yankees (unless both agree to much lower contract deals). But let's say hypothetically that both were to leave the team after this season... that's $40 million just from those two players. C.C. Sabathia will be a free agent after this season and he will be looking for a Johan Santana calibur contract. Even with Alex Rodriguez's super contract, the Yankees have more than enough money to lock up C.C..
The reason why the Yankees did not get Johan Santana was that the orginization was unwilling to part with two of their three young guns (Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy. Joba Chamberlain was not even a consideration at any point). Money actually would have been moderately tight with Johan Santana on the roster, making the Yankees even more reluctant to pick him up which, when all added up, concluded to the Yankees backing out of trade talks with the Twins.
Now it's different. The 2007 Cy Young winner, C.C. Sabathia will be a free agent after this season. He will be 28 years old at the end of this season. Attaining a free agent serves no threat to being forced to trade yound talent, which is exactly what the Yankees want. Putting the pieces together, the large sum of money the Yankees have to spare can be spent on Sabathia. In this possible and highly likely turn of events, both the Yankees and Sabathia would get exactly what they wanted. Sabathia would get the big contract he rightfully deserves as one of the game's best pitchers, a most likely lengthy contract of at least 6 years, and a great shot at the world series every year he is there. The Yankees would get a genuine #1 starter that could give them the push they need to finally break through in the playoffs.
So what are your thoughts? In my mind, given the situation and what I've stated, I believe it's highly improbable that the Yankees not get Sabathia. The biggest thing that can prevent Sabathia from moving to another team would be him wanting to simply stay with the Indians. He enjoys himself there but simply will not get the contract he desires with them. Not to ignore other rich teams, the Red Sox, Mets, Tigers, and Angels would be as willing to pounce on C.C. given that they can outbid the Yankees somehow.
Please remember... this isn't a thread to complain about how much money the Yankees have and how much you hate them. This is simply to discuss your opinion of the most likely future team of C.C. Sabathia. My bet is obviously the Yankees.
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