Boston can look at this trade by saying Manny is getting old and Bay is better for the future, but is it really necessary? Boston has won 2 championships in the past 4 years, and they have had years of consecutive sell outs at Fenway; in other words, all that should really matter in Boston is the spirit.
I can only imagine what the next home game is going to be like with all the booing. Sure David Ortiz and Beckett represent the franchise, but when you hear Red Sox, you think of Manny, so why did the Red Sox give up what really matters in Boston, the fun of playing?
There was a lot more that went down this time around than Manny just going into the green monster and getting lost for 5 minutes during a pitching change. Manny being Manny is something that everyone I think even the Red Sox organization hasn't really minded throughout the years. What really got to them this time, is his confrontations with team mates and the upper management, which was unprofessional if you ask me. The bottom line is he got mad and all pissy that the Red Sox would not give him a new contract worth big dollars, which in reality they didn't have to in the first place. They were already doling out $20 mil a year as is, so why give a 36 year old player who is clearly not what he use to be (He still is indeed a force, but no where near 03-04 material) A-Rod like money? Its just not wise and was not a good business decision if they did.
The bottom line is that he was becoming a distraction and they were fearing that he was not going to play to the fullest extent for the rest of the year and just complain that he is injured. It is what it is, I appreciate all the good stuff that he did here while he was in Boston and for all the laughs
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