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Im not saying you are,but there are people that do,and its annoying.Like here in MA,since the days after Bird,celtics stuff and fans just went the wayside. Real fans suffered through len bias overdosing,Antion( I am the best teamate in the world except for on the court,and dont ask why I hog the ball then make the shots I do cause I dont know either)walker, to bad draft picks or free agent signings,a 24 win season,ad nauseum. and that is just scratching the surface. yet now they bring home no.17 and all of a sudden,everyone is a fan,and you cannot get tickets no more unless you have money or are somebody.
and that is just one example out of many for all NE sports teams. the biggest issue though is not even where were you when they were crap,as much as the stands while they are successful being full of these pink hats. Like the pats,used to be a time that just like lions fans people wore bags on their heads,and you had to listen to the game on the radio because blackout rules cause they never sold out. Then they started winning,Gillette was built,and unless you were a long time ticket holder,you had to jump through hoops if you were the average fan because of the bandwagoners. Yet when brady went down,all of a sudden you could get tickets again,sometimes even with a discount. Thats MY big issue with it.
Oh man, it's even worse when my brother bandwagons those teams and we live on the opposite COAST! Also i think it was shameful when the Pats fans were leaving the game after Brady went down, imagine all the poor fans who could never afford a ticket to see them. Not only that but Matt Cassell actually played well, you should still stay to see your team who has been good for so many years now.Im not saying you are,but there are people that do,and its annoying.Like here in MA,since the days after Bird,celtics stuff and fans just went the wayside. Real fans suffered through len bias overdosing,Antion( I am the best teamate in the world except for on the court,and dont ask why I hog the ball then make the shots I do cause I dont know either)walker, to bad draft picks or free agent signings,a 24 win season,ad nauseum. and that is just scratching the surface. yet now they bring home no.17 and all of a sudden,everyone is a fan,and you cannot get tickets no more unless you have money or are somebody.
and that is just one example out of many for all NE sports teams. the biggest issue though is not even where were you when they were crap,as much as the stands while they are successful being full of these pink hats. Like the pats,used to be a time that just like lions fans people wore bags on their heads,and you had to listen to the game on the radio because blackout rules cause they never sold out. Then they started winning,Gillette was built,and unless you were a long time ticket holder,you had to jump through hoops if you were the average fan because of the bandwagoners. Yet when brady went down,all of a sudden you could get tickets again,sometimes even with a discount. Thats MY big issue with it.
I hate being called a fair weather fan, or a bandwagon fan, because first off, I was accused of being a bandwagon fan the other day, and it made me mad, because I supported the Steelers when they went 6-10. And for proof of me being a fan when they went 6-10, I created this account in July of 2004, before the Steelers went 15-1, and before Roethlisberger was even playing...steelers89How can people call YOU a bandwagon fan? It's all these Cardinals fans that are the ones who jumped on. Yeah, I'm sure 70% of GameSpot was rooting for the Cardinals last year. It went from like 1% fans to 70% in a couple weeks. Disgusting.
The only people I consider bandwagoning are those that become fans once the team reaches the playoffs.Nifty_SharkThat's almost everyone here in the last two weeks. Suddenly, I'm finding a lack of Eagles fans and a curious abundance of "Cardinals for life" fans.
so how does this exactly work? Are you a fan if you support a team for x many years? Is there a criteria to be considered a "true" fan? Doesn't any of this seem ridiculous to anyone? The worst fans are the ones who cry "I've been a fan since my (insert team name) were 1-15 or (some other awful record)". So, what does that make you? Want a medal? If someone wants to support a winning team, then that's great---why should it matter to you or anyone who you support?feryl06
Let me just say that you sound like a bandwagoner trying to covertly defend your role. To the point: Let's say you are standing on a line for which you receive a gift(a Championship) from time to time. There are people who woke up early(those "who supported the team for x many years") and have been waiting in line through the tough, cold, rainy, miserable, horrible times but stood in the line because they knew the reward was worth it. The when there about to handout the gift comes a bunch of people(bandwagoners) who were lazy and some soft and choose to stay home until the sun come out and the weather were shinier and they get to stand side by side with those who stood there in line through the good and the bad. Yep, I see how some fans would have some issues with those hypocrites.
[QUOTE="feryl06"]so how does this exactly work? Are you a fan if you support a team for x many years? Is there a criteria to be considered a "true" fan? Doesn't any of this seem ridiculous to anyone? The worst fans are the ones who cry "I've been a fan since my (insert team name) were 1-15 or (some other awful record)". So, what does that make you? Want a medal? If someone wants to support a winning team, then that's great---why should it matter to you or anyone who you support?Master_Live
Let me just say that you sound like a bandwagoner trying to covertly defend your role. To the point: Let's say you are standing on a line for which you receive a gift(a Championship) from time to time. There are people who woke up early(those "who supported the team for x many years") and have been waiting in line through the tough, cold, rainy, miserable, horrible times but stood in the line because they knew the reward was worth it. The when there about to handout the gift comes a bunch of people(bandwagoners) who were lazy and some soft and choose to stay home until the sun come out and the weather were shinier and they get to stand side by side with those who stood there in line through the good and the bad. Yep, I see how some fans would have some issues with those hypocrites.
And so because you followed them for so many years you automatically think you "DESERVE" that right to be in front of the line---is there a tier where how many years makes you deserving of which part of the line you are entitled to? Why do you think you deserve entitlement to something that never ever belonged to you in the first place? feryl06b/c we put emotional investment in these teams, and it pisses us off to see other people who conviently come just to experience the good times. It's sort of like someone getting accepted into a university or program you worked so hard to get into just b/c his or her parent was on the board.
[QUOTE="feryl06"]so how does this exactly work? Are you a fan if you support a team for x many years? Is there a criteria to be considered a "true" fan? Doesn't any of this seem ridiculous to anyone? The worst fans are the ones who cry "I've been a fan since my (insert team name) were 1-15 or (some other awful record)". So, what does that make you? Want a medal? If someone wants to support a winning team, then that's great---why should it matter to you or anyone who you support?Master_Live
Let me just say that you sound like a bandwagoner trying to covertly defend your role. To the point: Let's say you are standing on a line for which you receive a gift(a Championship) from time to time. There are people who woke up early(those "who supported the team for x many years") and have been waiting in line through the tough, cold, rainy, miserable, horrible times but stood in the line because they knew the reward was worth it. The when there about to handout the gift comes a bunch of people(bandwagoners) who were lazy and some soft and choose to stay home until the sun come out and the weather were shinier and they get to stand side by side with those who stood there in line through the good and the bad. Yep, I see how some fans would have some issues with those hypocrites.
I like that analogy.[QUOTE="Nifty_Shark"]The only people I consider bandwagoning are those that become fans once the team reaches the playoffs.thequietguyThat's almost everyone here in the last two weeks. Suddenly, I'm finding a lack of Eagles fans and a curious abundance of "Cardinals for life" fans. I'm cheering for Arizona but they aren't my regular team that I root for. See I never liked our Lions and I always hope they get banned or something. Under normal circumstances I'm a Packers fan (and a Jets fan this year for obvious reasons that you can figure out)
so how does this exactly work? Are you a fan if you support a team for x many years? Is there a criteria to be considered a "true" fan? Doesn't any of this seem ridiculous to anyone? The worst fans are the ones who cry "I've been a fan since my (insert team name) were 1-15 or (some other awful record)". So, what does that make you? Want a medal? If someone wants to support a winning team, then that's great---why should it matter to you or anyone who you support?feryl06I hate how people say they have been a fan of a team there whole life...definatly not true
so how does this exactly work? Are you a fan if you support a team for x many years? Is there a criteria to be considered a "true" fan? Doesn't any of this seem ridiculous to anyone? The worst fans are the ones who cry "I've been a fan since my (insert team name) were 1-15 or (some other awful record)". So, what does that make you? Want a medal? If someone wants to support a winning team, then that's great---why should it matter to you or anyone who you support?feryl06I dont want a medal, I just want people to stop calling me a bandwagon fan! I was a Steeler fan before the Steelers went 15-1, and this year I was called a bandwagon fan...It just got to me...made me mad.
[QUOTE="feryl06"]And so because you followed them for so many years you automatically think you "DESERVE" that right to be in front of the line---is there a tier where how many years makes you deserving of which part of the line you are entitled to? Why do you think you deserve entitlement to something that never ever belonged to you in the first place? Renegade_Furyb/c we put emotional investment in these teams, and it pisses us off to see other people who conviently come just to experience the good times. It's sort of like someone getting accepted into a university or program you worked so hard to get into just b/c his or her parent was on the board. Not just emotional,also time,AND money. As I said in my post,regular fans can not get in to see the Pats,Celtics,sox because "pink hats" as we call them( refering the pink sox caps usually worn by women who have the sports opinion of "so and so player is hot" though it is basically a catch all term for bandwagoners) who never cared about teh team before,go just to be seen. Also Like i said in the post,once there is bad luck(ie,brady going down) they scurry back to thier holes. This was the first year since 2001(not including long time season ticket holders) that regular working joes could get in to see,because all the pinkhats left after brady went down and did not go back. So yes,as a fan that t.s me off.
I hate when someone living in my city is a Celtics or Yankees or Pats fan, because the only reason they cheer for those teams is because they're currently winning (in the case of the Yankees; always winning). People should cheer for their home teams, that's why they're there.UssjTrunksBut we don't have an NFL team :cry:.........................which is cool because i avoid the flaming and get to bash everyone equally :lol: This should soon change with the economic downfall and several teams wanting new stadiums.
[QUOTE="feryl06"]so how does this exactly work? Are you a fan if you support a team for x many years? Is there a criteria to be considered a "true" fan? Doesn't any of this seem ridiculous to anyone? The worst fans are the ones who cry "I've been a fan since my (insert team name) were 1-15 or (some other awful record)". So, what does that make you? Want a medal? If someone wants to support a winning team, then that's great---why should it matter to you or anyone who you support?CWEBB04zI hate how people say they have been a fan of a team there whole life...definatly not true I came out of the womb with a Dodger cap, wanna see pics?
[QUOTE="CWEBB04z"]I hate how people say they have been a fan of a team there whole life...definatly not trueX360PS3AMD05I came out of the womb with a Dodger cap, wanna see pics?
:lol: I came out wearing a Mike Scioscia jersey. One of the best Dodgers catchers ever.
Personally, I've never been accused of being a bandwagoner, and it "helps" that the majority of my teams have sucked since 2002. What gripes me though are the people out here that wear cowboys, steelers, yankees, and red sox apparel. It becomes almost unbearable when people start putting out gear of teams that make the WS like the Detroit Tigers, Florida Marilins, TB Rays etc. On the bright side, I have yet to see anyone ever wear Arizona Cardinals clothing...Renegade_Furyi guarantee frequent spotting Fitzgerald jerseys for the next year.
try being a Red Sox fan, regardless of how old you are or how long you've followed the team, everyone assumes you became a fan after 2004. That's not saying a lot of people didn't first become fans after 2004, it was kind of sickening actually.ethanpaigeActually there is a really easy way to tell a fan from a pink hat. Pink hats always act like everythings okay,regardless of the truth,wheras fans still expect them to flop every year even after 2 world series wins. Real Red Sox fans have been so condition to losing we think its going to happen even when we do win championships.
Like this offseason,not getting a certian first baseman,pink hats were like" thats great,now we dont have to get rid of lowell,they will win no matter what" a real red sox fan wants to know how we are going to survive without a big bat. Its alll conditioning.
I root for every team in Pittsburgh(its pretty much religion in my house) and i am constantly called a bandwagon fan it really pisses me off. However i do root for the Lakers but i only root for them because Pittsburgh doesnt have a NBA team and they were the first NBA team i saw play.
[QUOTE="feryl06"]And so because you followed them for so many years you automatically think you "DESERVE" that right to be in front of the line---is there a tier where how many years makes you deserving of which part of the line you are entitled to? Why do you think you deserve entitlement to something that never ever belonged to you in the first place? Renegade_Furyb/c we put emotional investment in these teams, and it pisses us off to see other people who conviently come just to experience the good times. It's sort of like someone getting accepted into a university or program you worked so hard to get into just b/c his or her parent was on the board.
Bandwagon jumpers are people who go and act like a life long fan.
Some people will cheer for a different team if they are eliminated and just hate the other team.
The only people who should be given a free pass are lions fans.
I have only been accused of bandwagoning by those who are crying about the failure of their favorite team. More reasonable fans can recognize and acknowledge true fans of successful teams, and those who resort to accusations of bandwagoning are more likely to become bandwagoners themselves. This is the way of the stubborn idiots, who, in forming this dumb tactic have in fact jumped on their own bandwagon of stubborn unintelligence.
Now lets start another topic on people who have a million teams all from random cities.X360PS3AMD05AKA LeBron James who likes the Dallas Cowboys, New York Yankees and Chicago Bulls since the 90's...LOL
[QUOTE="Nifty_Shark"]The only people I consider bandwagoning are those that become fans once the team reaches the playoffs.thequietguyThat's almost everyone here in the last two weeks. Suddenly, I'm finding a lack of Eagles fans and a curious abundance of "Cardinals for life" fans. No link whatsoever dude. You're juste imagining things ;) I've been an Eagles/76ers/Lakers fan for a few years and I'm happy to see the three of them are doing all right (if not extremely good) this year. It's hard for someone living north of the border to "pick" a favorite team. You almost always have to go for a team that's good when you start watching the sport. So I've been a Sixers' fan since the Iverson days and still am to this day even after a few rough years and have been a Lakers fan since the day the brought Malone/Payton in and even more after Shaq was shipped in '04 and I stayed with those teams since and I think you can officially call me a Lakers/Sixers/Eagles fan. Although at those particular times (late 90s for the Sixers, '03 for the Lakers and Early 2000s for the Eagles) I could have been called a "bandwagonner" I'm still with those teams whether they suck or not. In fact I'm more pissed by people who hate a team then love it when it performs or those who let down a team they used to love because they have a bad season. Oh and I also root for the Habs but that's because I'd get shot if I didn't! ;) I live in Quebec where the Habs are considered by some to be a religion, and I'm dead serious, it's extreme...
Been a Steeler fan since '94, when they lost in the AFC Championship to the Chargers. I had to hear crap about Neil O' Donnell, Slash, AFC Championship losses, the refs "cheating" in their favor in SB XL, etc. Bottom line, if you stick with your team through the title runs and through the 5-11, 6-10 seasons, there's nothing bandwagon ab out that period.
[QUOTE="X360PS3AMD05"]Who are the Habs?...................mrgabMontreal Canadians I believe. Yes, Habs is short for "habitants" which means inhabitants, people who live there, in french. Funny how a french word was distorted to english and pronounced with an english accent even by french-speaking people. You guys have no idea what the heck's going on in Quebec with french, Canada, english, independence, Le Canadien, etc... but now i'm just drifting away, my bad.
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