Hello everyone! And welcome to the Opera House!
Here is where all my graphics reside! From sigs, to tags, to advertisement banners for your sig or profile - they are all here!
The Opera House used to share a thread with the Aeris Church. However, I decided to move it for easier organization, and because it will be easier for me to fulfill requests if I have my own thread.
New graphics will always be published on the first page of this thread.
Please feel free to use any of them, or ask for requests! If you send a picture along with your request - even better! But please understand that I may not get to them right away - as these things take time!
Thanks guys!!
The Opera House is home to many things! I have made quite a few different types of graphics. (Please do not ask for character tags in this thread, that is reserved for the Character System thread). When asking for a request, please use the terms below to prevent confusion! :) If you'd like me to try something new - don't hesitate to ask! I am open to suggestions!
"Visit SEE" Sigs
These nifty little tags go on your forum sig to advertise the union! You can link the image to our homepage for an added effect! Here's an example of one:
SEE Advertisement Profile Banners
These little guys are similar to the "Visit SEE tags" except these are larger and can be used on your profile page! These should also be linked, to direct new people to our union! (It is an advertising tag after all! ;))
Profile Sidebars
These are my newest graphic yet. The purpose of the sidebars are just to adorn our Member Profiles!
The profile bars areexclusive. Unlike the "Visit SEE" tags and the "SEE Advertisement Profile Banners", these sidebars are for one person only (kind of like the tags from the character system). So if you see one that you like, make sure to claim it ASAP! ;)
However, requests for these will be a bit tricky. Because the sidebars are so large (height-wise), it is hard for me to use pictures of characters unless it is from a wallpaper or other large image like that. So please keep that in mind; I am no slacker though - so I will always try my best when doing these. ;)
Profile Banners
I am now accepting requests for Profile Banners! Feel free to ask! Please let me know what you would like on it, you may even provide me with references pics if you have a picture you would like me to use!
Please NOTE: The text on these sigs, tags and banners are just what I like to put on there. If you would like me to write something specific for your request, I have no problem doing so!
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