I heard from a lot of people that Dirge of Cerburus was a bad or even tremendously bad game, this concerns me becuase i would hate to think that another game in the final fantasy VII saga would be bad. I ask from the people who have played it if it is worth renting or purchasing and how much the game adds to the story of VII?
I haven't played it yet. But as you i would welcome some comments from the ones that did. But now seriously, is it that bad as everyone says? It didn't looked to bad from the trailers and screenshots they i have seen. Maybe you can tell us something more. :)
If a game gets most reviews in the 6's or 7's its a POS. If for some reason you still have a desire to play the game after seeing the bad reviews than just wait about 3 months or so and the price will drop about half way.
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