Here is the pic The most powerful weapon boss in Final Fantasy VII. After beating all the other weapons, this monster may be seen randomly standing at one of the several Chocobo Tracks in the world with a chance of 1/7777th.
Never... I have never actualy beat a optional Wepon or the final boss... I wish i could but my PS2 won't play any Playstation games:cry: So when I get a ps3 I will finish it!!!
ok, well done to whoever made that picture, but if you really had wanted us to believe that then you should have really made the statistical chance of finding it a lot higher
If you think about it, there were millions of people who bought this game, and also(im willing to bet) millions of people who beat all of the weapons in the game. If this were real and the chances of finding it were just 1/7777 then, based on the amount of people who could find it and the time since the game was released, this would not be the first anyone has heard of the phenomenon.
No way, 10 years later, does this pop up & no one's ever seen this or heard of this before. I've gotten & beaten every single inch of that game & never have I heard anything remotely close to a Chocobo weapon. But it serves for a good chuckle & a golf clap for whoever took the time to put that together & mess with our heads. Kudos to the artist behind that picture.
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