I haven't played the game yet, but I've watched enough videos on YouTube and read enough about the game to say that the "HUGE" change in the FF battle system that XII presents seems to be a bit over-rated. Yes, the game does obviously seem to be leaning towards being an action RPG, but the ATB meter still exists for your characters and enemies, meaning you can't act out of turn (like you can in KH 1 & 2). Personally, when I watch the videos, the battle system just seems to be the old system with no switch to a seperate battle screen. Now granted, you can obviously move around and all...
Still, the old system was getting really stale. It was even gatting stale come FF VIII. That system was really really slow....and while IX spiced things up again by being the first FF to offer four playable characters at a time in one battle IN 3D! it got really old again once FFX came out, regadless of the character switch ability. In fact, the old system seemed to have worn out its welcome come FF X-2 where square seemed to substitute strategy for speed. That system was insanely fast and the fact that your characters ended up all over the battle screen after performing commands kind of showed square was leaning towards making its series an action RPG anyways....
I know that FF XI was trash, so I won't argue that that is a good a reason as any to want the old system back, but that system really can't be advanced anymore. I do love playing FF IV now and then to go back and enjoy the series when it was once so simple, but gamers are too demanding now a days, square needed to make this change to stay competitive with the likes of Dark Cloud, Breath of Fire and Sony's new (and from I hear awesome) RPG Rogue Galaxy. Besides, 13 straight FFs with the same battle system? That would basically make buying the new installments simply for storyline, and if thats the case, just go buy or rent a good anime....
N E Ways, thats just my opinion....
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