Hello everybody!
The new Hurt & Heal has at last been finalized and now we are starting recruitment and team formation!
If you are new to the union and are not sure what I am talking about, let me explain. A bunch of us have taken the regular H&H formula and modified it. Heavily. Please read on and find out what this is all about!
1- Every attack and heal affects entire teams.
2 - Every attack and heal does 500 points of damage.
3 - Each team member can only attack or heal once per day. You cannot heal and attack both in one turn (ie - no splitting up the 500 points.)
4 - Each team may only use the service of one mercenary per day.
5 - Max HP for each teammate is 9999HP. You can only heal up to that amount.
6 - Items, Summons and special attacks will be dropped by the H&H Overseer (Yuna) at random times during the H&H, along with specifics (ie - how much damage it does, how many times or people can use it).
7 - Haste is available for casting. Haste uses up your turn for that day but allows you to attack or heal for 1000 points on your next turn.
8 - Please post the resulting HP of the team attacked or your team if healed at the end of your post (as is shown in the day's worth example of a H&H).
9 - Your attacks and/or heals may be as original as you like, as long as you stay within the HP usage rule. Please feel free to include pictures or anything else, and above all: have fun!! :D
- Rules are subject to change -
The rules above pretty much explain the basis of the game. However, there is one totally new thing in which we have added: The Mercenaries.
Because this Hurt & Heal uses competitors who are in predetermined teams to battle it out, this may leave out casual players who may want to jump in for a quick game. The Mercenaries will fix this issue.
Anyone not already on a team may be a Mercenary. Mercenaries also only get one turn per day. They are allowed to help one team of their choice. This was created for the purpose of being able to include everyone and to have them be the "wild cards" of the game and create an upset.
Every team will consist of three members - a Team Leader and two "Recruits" or teammates. Here are the teams that have been formed so far:
Team Paladin
Recruitment Status:CLOSED and ready for battle.
Members: Cecil (team leader), Shadow and Kuja
Team Zantetsuken
Recruitment Status:CLOSED and ready for battle.
Members: Odin (team leader), Crono and Magus
Team Runic Warriors
Recruitment Status:CLOSED and ready for battle.
Members: Celes (team leader), Locke and Larxene
Team Gunblade
Recruitment Status:CLOSED and ready for battle.
Members: Seifer (team leader), Vincent, Quistis
Team Jenova's Witnesses
Recruitment Status:CLOSED and ready for battle.
Members: Kadaj (team leader), Sephiroth, Squall
So far the tally is:
- 5 Complete teams
- 15 People are playing thus far.
- RECRUITMENT IS NOW CLOSED.If you would still like to play, you may join in as a Mercenary!
We will notify all players as soon as the Hurt & Heal will be ready to start up! Meanwhile, keep coming back to this thread for updates! Have fun! :)
- Last updated October 8th, 2007 -
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