I like the Union because its nice to hear from other fans like myself. Most of my friends that play video games only enjoy Grand Theft Auto, Halo or other Shooters, not that I have a problem with these games. I enjoy a good shooter from time to time, but my point is I don't know any RPG fans from the neighborhood. Another thing I think is cool is that the fans this site brings together come from far and wide. So, in the interest of building community lets start a post about where we are all from. I my self was born Colombian but have been a New Yorker from the age of 2. To simplify we can post this way:
                           City                State or Province                Country
Odinunlimited             New York City       New York                      US
Mar044                   Toronto                                            Canada
IpodHero176/Cecil         Sugarland           Texas                         US
queen_valentine/Celes    Grand Rapids        Michigan                        US
cj2121/Cid Highwind       Oakville             Ontario                       Canada
greatfluffy/Tidus          Birmingham          Alabama                      US
Sprigain/Laguna                               Aukland                          New Zealand
TheManwithAPS/Squall    Brisbane             Queensland                   Australia
plg2307                   Sherbrooke          Québec                      Canada
michelle_moraes/Aeris    Wichita             Kansas                         US
SymonDezyn/Quistis     Langley             British Columbia                Canada
Fingertrap/Locke          Mont-Joli             Québec                      Canada
effkay/Fran              Covington             Kentucky                      US
Crushgoil/Yuna            Calgary                Alberta                      Canada
Kairnz/Roxas                                                                Singapore
Orave/Laguna             Christchurch          Canterbury                   New Zealand
Khenshu/Seymour                               Missouri                      US
angelbless                 La Paz                                              Bolivia
sweet_ride                Grand Rapids          Michigan                      US
stevecof/Vivi             Crete                agios nokalaos                   GreeceÂ
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