i used cloud , vincent and sid m_e_z_z_a
Sorry but what somebody said just sounded so so wrong. When talking about final fantasy they said it "will be enlisted into the game hall of fame someday up there with the Grand theft auto series". omg no no no. imo you cany even put those two series of game in the same sentence, final fantasy is legendary GTA is jus GTA. Ok sry off topic carry on:P
Sorry but what somebody said just sounded so so wrong. When talking about final fantasy they said it "will be enlisted into the game hall of fame someday up there with the Grand theft auto series". omg no no no. imo you cany even put those two series of game in the same sentence, final fantasy is legendary GTA is jus GTA. Ok sry off topic carry on:P
Sorry but what somebody said just sounded so so wrong. When talking about final fantasy they said it "will be enlisted into the game hall of fame someday up there with the Grand theft auto series". omg no no no. imo you cany even put those two series of game in the same sentence, final fantasy is legendary GTA is jus GTA. Ok sry off topic carry on:P
Hes got a point. They are good but after GTA 3 it gets unintersting. Its pretty much the same thing with the new ones just different cities and missions and several improvements. If youve played alot of GTA it just gets old. Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid Series should be in hall of fame....he he...i put MGS in front though. Sorry off topic but had to say something. As for accomplishments for FF i don't really have to many besides beating the game when my disc actually worked :( . In legend of dragoon for anyone who has played i did level up to lvl 20 before even going to hellana prison. For those who have played it you know how long that takes....
Good ol' emulators allowed me to beat all the FFs from I-X. I have not beaten X-2, XI and I can't speak or read Japanese, so its not like I can beat XII just yet. I have beaten Tactics and Tactics Advanced, Crystal Chronicles and an interesting adventure by the name of Bahamut's Lagoon on my emulator. Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII, IX and X saw me destroy everything. From Ruby weapon to Osma to Omega Gold, it all just died to my blade. In VII, VIII and IX, I got all my characters (and GFs) mass leveled to 99/100 and got all the ultimate weapons for each character and, like I said, killed everything. It did take me a while, but I eventually got the spheregrid on FFX filled completely with three characters: Tidus, Auron and Lulu.
But everyone has done that....I suppose the coolest thing I've ever done is killed Sephiroth *spoiler FF7* during that last little sequence at the end of the game in the dark with a counterattack. I don't know why its equiped during the battle, but w/e. I also used my gameshark to bring little miss flower girl in with me for that fight. lol, it was kinda funny to skip Omni-Slash to perform Great Gospel. I think I did that twice before Sephie attacked and Cloud countered to end that little sequence. Good times.
I really wanted to just never got around to it....how was it? marc_man3001
Not as cool as i thought it would be. lol. But you get some extra mini summons with it. however in the long run it wasn't worth it.
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