We're sorry to say that we've been informed that Tim passed away Wednesday 19 July 2006.
Leah from Nerf-herders-anonymous.net writes in:
Fellow Star Wars/Dr. Who/James Bond fans:
Mr. Tim Condren (film stuntman, Stormtrooper ANH) has fallen very, very ill and is in a London hospital as of Sunday July 16th. I'd love to see fans rally to send Mr. Condren their best wishes, prayers, drawings, encouragement, anything uplifting while he's there. All correspondence is sent through me at nerf.herders.anonymous@gmail.com with the subject line "Mr. Tim Condren". I will pass them along to Mr. Condren's relative who will in turn pass them along to him.
http://www.nerf-herders-anonymous.net/TimCondren.html here's the page that will give you an idea of what he's done before and beyond Star Wars.
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