Games in no order and are listed by system These are games I see buzz for, whether it be a little or a lot. Feel Free to add to my list because i know I am forgetting some. Getting PS3 for Christmas so i dont have as many games I know about yet.My listis between 360 and PS3 only.And im sure a few of these will be pushed to '09. After the Title is a little explanation about why i think it has buzz.
Concerning PD2 GoW2 and Halo Wars. Doubt all three will be '08 My guess GoW2 '09
Banjo 3 - Rare's Successor to highest Rated 3d Platformer.
Halo Wars - RTS By Ensemble (Age of Empires) w/ Halo name.
Gears of War 2 - Epics seguel to Gears of War (GS 9.6) (09)
Fable 2 - 360s Flagship RPG. Will be great if it fixes its flaws from the 1st.
Too Human - Silicon Knights (Eternal Darkness, MGS Twin Snakes) 10 year in the making action game.
Ninja Gaiden 2 - Sequel by Team Ninja to one of the best Xbox games.
CnC3 Kane's Wrath - Expansion to CnC3 Great RTS
Alan Wake - Remedy's Highly anticipated Phsychological Thriller
Perfect Dark 2 - A strong Singleplayer needed for the series' great multiplayer.
Lost Oddyssey - Mistwalker RPG + Creator or FF
Huxley - MMOFPS Taking a lot of risks but could be great
Splinter Cell Conviction - Same Dev as Chaos Theory
World in Conflict - Port for 9.5 PC RTS Game
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom - Next Gen Iteration of a solid game.
DOA5 - Jiggly fighting game.
PS3 Need to add but Constrained on time so some help me out.
MGS4 - One of the greatest Series of all time, Made Stealth Action Genre.
Gran Turismo - Great Racing series and huge sellers too.
God of War 3 - First 2 were amazing, would like to see what they can do with power gap of PS 2/3 (09)
Little Big Planet - Innovative new Platformer to compete w/ SMG
Killzone 2 - Sony's Flagship FPS 1st didn't quite cut it but they can learn from their mistakes
FFXIII/V XIII - Square hugely popular longrunning JRPG (Japan for '08)
The Getaway 3 -Solid GTA Type Game
Infamous - Sony's answer to Crackdown
White Knight Story - Great looking new PS3 RPG
Resistance 2 - Follow up to Insomniac's launch shooter. (40+ people online)
Socom - Next Gen version of Sony's highly competitive shooter.
Tekken 6 - Namco's PS exclusive fighter.
GTA IV - No need to explain
RE5 - Sequel to IMOs Game of last gen. (09)
Devil May Cry 4 -Sequel to one of Capcom's greatest franchises.
Fallout- Post nuclear RPG by Bethesda (even if its just Oblivion w/ guns I'm sold).
Soul Caliber - very popular weapon based fighting game
End War - Tom Clancy's try at a RTS
Unreal Tournament III - Epics flagship series.
Mercenaries 2 - Follow up to a great sandbox title from Pandemic
Army of Two - a Third Person Shooter based on Cooperation
The Club - A gamefrom Bizarre thats not PGR Hmm...
Turok - The Late Acclaim's most popular franchise.
Burnout Paradise - Next Gen Burnout who doesn't want it?
Silent Hill 5 - Konami's 5th installment, everyone here probably knows about it.
Golden Axe - Sega's bringing back a great Genesis franchise. Sega don't screw this one up like all the rest.
Brutal Legend - Dev of Phsychonauts: Lead Char is Jack Black
Prototype - not seeing much buzz but Sierra's been doing well lately
I know i missed things please add so we can make it complete. Thank You.
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