1 hours until Sega stop teasing us.
What you guys think it'll be?! All in hope of a Bayonetta 3 myself on the switch.
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1 hours until Sega stop teasing us.
What you guys think it'll be?! All in hope of a Bayonetta 3 myself on the switch.
@superbuuman: Bayonetta 3 switch = I'll be out looting old grannies to buy my switch if it becomes the case.
I would be so thrilled for it to be something like Sonic Adventure 3! Me and my buddies sunk so many endless days into that game. I still have fond memories of waking up Saturday morning and powering on the old school TV (the kind of TVs mind you that you can pick up today for just about $5 or a Big Mac) for an all day Chao raising spree. That would be so nostalgic. So fun! :)
Any other Sonic Adventure 2 Battle fans out there? :o
What can SEGA even announce that is half exciting? Nothing. An MS announcement would be more exciting...
Sega is announcing that they are filing a lawsuit against all 17 people streaming their games online. They are looking for $15 billion in damages. It will be the biggest case since O.J.
Platinum was probably planning on that MS money after Nier Automata, but now that Scalebound was cancelled, maybe for some quick cash they're agreeing to port Bayonetta 1 & 2 on Switch while they work on another sequel.
Sega is too dense to fund a Bayonetta game on their own, my guess if it is another of those then Nintendo is probably paying for it.
I'll take either of these.
New console
Skies of Arcadia 2
Skies of Arcadia 2 and Boyanetta 3 exclusive to XB1/Scorpio.
As long as i get to play them i wouldn't care if they are exclusive or not.
Phantasy Star V. Shining Force 4. Streets of Rage 4. Outrun 3. Do it.
I was with until you mentioned Streets 4 & Outrun 3, can we swap them 2 out and put in say Burning Rangers 2 & Virtua Racing 3???
@i_p_daily: Streets of Rage 4 and Outrun 3 would be dreams come true for me, so no you can't swap them out for yours!!! But I see no reason why they couldn't just BR2 and VR2 to the list;)
They destroyed Streets of Rage for me with 3, so a fourth i woud not like to see, Streets of Rage 2 was the fucking bomb, and you can't improve on that greatness.
I never really like Outrun, i do however like just about every other racing franchise Sega has, well Outrun & Hang On now that i think of it.
Ok i'll add Landstalker 2, Dark Saviour 2 and Story of Thor 3 (legend of Oasis for US folk).
Ecco the Dolphin Remaster!!!!
Ecco the Dolphin VR w/ Dolphin Tail controller
it's bayonetta 1 on pc. sega published the original bayonetta on PS3/360 so this is literally all it could be, since we now know it's bayonetta-related.
lol@people saying bayonetta 2. sega had nothing to do with the sequel; that was all platinum and nintendo
it's bayonetta 1 on pc. sega published the original bayonetta on PS3/360 so this is literally all it could be, since we now know it's bayonetta-related.
lol@people saying bayonetta 2. sega had nothing to do with the sequel; that was all platinum and nintendo
Sega still has copyright over the IP, if for some reason they decided to buy publishing rights for Bayo 2 or Nintendo went crazy and gave them up, they could put it out.
Highly doubt it would happen because both Sega and Nintendo's business sense is laughable, but honestly if I were them I'd just make a decent deal and let it port elsewhere. Not like anyone else is going to buy a Wii U at this point, may as well cashout the chips now.
I'm getting nothing. Countdown hits zero and then... ...nothing.
Someone on the steam forums mentioned that the countdown is regional based, ending at 4pm no matter where you are, and whatever they're revealing obviously is not on the same timeframe.
Someone on the steam forums mentioned that the countdown is regional based, ending at 4pm no matter where you are, and whatever they're revealing obviously is not on the same timeframe.
Fantastic. I'm going to sleep. Insomnia and all that.
Posting from my phone, in my bed. Don't want to edit and mess up my previous post.
The picture is obviously Bayonetta related, and the site was linked to from a free game on Steam. It's obviously 1) Bayonetta-related and 2) on PC. Most likely Bayonetta 1 port for PC, and perhaps Bayonetta 2 too, though that seems unlikely.
Posting from my phone, in my bed. Don't want to edit and mess up my previous post.
The picture is obviously Bayonetta related, and the site was linked to from a free game on Steam. It's obviously 1) Bayonetta-related and 2) on PC. Most likely Bayonetta 1 port for PC, and perhaps Bayonetta 2 too, though that seems unlikely.
Could be Fantasy Zone.
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