Some series i think everyone should try. some of these i dont even like much personally but still think they are worth a shot. i can see the appeal of them. Note: in no particular order.
Animal crossing: it's just...odd but its also so laid back and relaxing. i dont know what the switch one is like (on the backlog) but the ds and 3DS ACs were great. just don't try and cheese it. relax..take it easy. if you are fretting over hoarding stuff and moving the time forward all the time to try to get things faster then you are kind of missing the point.....or maybe you aren't. it's animal do you :).
Ys series: Rock bottom production values and primitive graphics. even the latest one looks like a vita game running at a high resolution. but don't let that put you off, its a great gem of an RPG series. I have played about 5 of them at this stage and the worst i have played (origin) is still a very solid game. dont start with that one though. fun combat, enjoyable exploration, tales that are more interesting than they first appear and generally just good fun. they can range from brutally difficult to "i wanna just wail on monsters after work" too depending on the setting you choose. Celceta, 8 and 9 are great places to get started in (the stories are not really connected. 9 is maybe a little more connected but you wont lose much by not playing the others).
Souls games: i dont get on with this series but i can see the appeal so i still recommend trying one of them (DS 1 still seems to be the go to). if you do like them then there is a lot of gaming to get stuck into.
Total war games. truly grand strategy. Massive armies colliding. Empires to be managed. the warhammer setting has given it a breath of fresh air too but Rome Total War (got a remaster recently) is also a strong point.
X series (space sims): think older elder scrolls space. you are given a whatever you want. dont buy one when it launches though. they can be in a bit of a beta state. X4 is in pretty good shape now though. like Ys, they are made on a tight budget but its a monster of a game under the hood. also you dont need to play the previous games (seriously...that would take a life time :P).
The old isometric bioware/Black isle games. I just finished BG 1 there recently (nearly finished the expansion too) and it holds up surprisingly well still. just 2 things really annoyed me: traps and the layout of some maps needing long waits to get from one place to another. BG2 is even better and IWD1 and 2 are great (more dungeon focused though). Planescape torment is also brilliant.
Monster Hunter series. Epic games. slay giant monsters, craft weapons and armour then slay even bigger monsters. Monster hunter world is an excellent introduction to the series too. it also has a wacky sense of humour. i mean it knows what it is...people go around slaying giant monsters while wielding comically oversized weapons in power ranger armour....and it embraces it whole heartedly. but its also an excellently well crafted game under the wackiness.
i'm too lazy to think of more :P.
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