[QUOTE="Jackman1"][QUOTE="Jared2720"][QUOTE="fryerjackets"][QUOTE="Jared2720"][QUOTE="johnnyblazed88"][QUOTE="Jared2720"][QUOTE="NSR34GTR"]MicrosoftMicrosoft isn't afraid to play dirty in the console wars, such as being willing to spend millions of dollars for exclusive games or downloadable content. Sure, it might hurt the company's image, but damned if it doesn't benefit gamers. Games like Grand Theft Auto IVandFallout 3 can look forward to exclusive content thanks to daddy's wallet, and Final Fantasy XIII is coming out on the system because of a check Microsoft wrote to Square. moan, do whatever you want, but their actions are of huge benefit to the casual and hardcore alike.
The Xbox 360 has the best video games of any next-generation console. It's true, and trying to argue against it makes you sound like an idiot. The sheer number of games is astounding, and even if a game isn't an exclusive, the 360 version is usually superior to its competition. Developers know how to develop for the console, and most create their games for it before porting it over to the PS3, and until developers begin spending more time on this process, the other versions always suffer from it.
These are just two of the reasons more after the jump
The "Games" argument is just absurd.
why because its true and you can't argue against it?
No, because it's not true and I can argue against it.
argue against it, with supporting facts. name 5 ps3 exclusives that got an 80 percent or higher on metacritic.
You've essentially proven my point for me. Thank you.
You request that I use facts in my argument, but yet you want me to name PS3 exclusives that scored better on a site that merely organizes the opinions of others. Do you see the irony?
Here's my argument: I prefer the PS3 exclusive games to those that are exclusive to the 360. Just like the author of that article, I could say the PS3 has better games and that arguing against such a statement would make you look like an idiot, and it would be just as valid, which isn't really valid at all because, also like the author of the article, it would only be an opinion.
Some of the people here are pretty dense. I suppose that's why I find this forum so amusing.
No it really wouldn't make your argument valid if you said the ps3 has better games, it has a few games that i wish were on the 360 but its pretty common knowledge that the 360's library is far superior to the ps3's. You seem pretty dense though so I dont expect you to understand that, I find you to be pretty amusing
Read my post again and you'll see that, ultimately, I conceded the fact that such an argument for the PS3 would not be valid, just as it's not valid for the 360 given that personal preference is the key variable in this debate.
Reading comprehension is important, mmkay?
No matter what you say, the fact still is that the 360 has the better library of games.
Look at metacritic again and then talk to me about reding comprehension, mmkay buddy?
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