If your gonna give opinions on the value or "worth it" features of a 4month new game system. I thought any site with any traces of journalistic integrity would give the fors, as well as the againsts. It seemed that GS's latest, bad timed, load of bill gay-tes blowing writing was 99% against Sony's new console. So I have gone the other way.
I see many lemmings post about 1080p & how PS3 has no games to support it & they ask PS3 owners to name some games. Unfortuntely none of these PS3 owners own 1080p sets yet. As an importer (from Australia) of a *** PS3, with a Sony 60" 1080p capable rear pro tv....Heres the games so far, NBA, Full Auto 2, Blast Factor, GTHD, RR7, Tekken & Virtual Tennis...so far.
Now on with the list:
1. Any non-fanboy, unbiased, true gamer knows that Sony has taken over the mantle (from Nintendo) of having the best 1st party developers. So if you have played previous Sony machines & have strong affiliations to some of their awesome titles, (like Ratchet, Jak, GT, Ico & Shadow, Getaway, Buzz, Singstar, Primal, Ghost Hunter, Wipeout, Destruction Derby & heaps more), then you pretty much know whats coming. And with Resistance, Motorstorm, Fight Night (the best version) & Virtual Fighter available already, then you already have 3 ultra playable, top level next gen games to start with.
And don't let anyone fool you, Resistance & Motorstorm are AAA worthy titles with great single player experiences, as well as awesome, lag free, online play.
Also buying the machine now means you have new technology NOW, it is something to be excited about & allows you (as a true gamer) to experience the whole journey with said company, also early buyers of the system ensures the userbase is out there to attract some great 3rd party ecxclusives. Does any moron think epic would have released Gears on 360, if it didn't have a pretty good early adoption rate.
2. The dreamcast (like the 360) had a good start & by the time PS2 launched 6-12mths later, the Dreamcast had a few more quality games over the PS2 launch titles. (This is not a 360 is going the way of Dreamcast bash lems, so settle). PS2, just like PS3 had a couple of top tier launch titles, (SSX, Smugglers Run & Tekken Tag), & as time went by it grew slowly. Also remember that it took 360 1 yr to get a truly next gen, aaa worthy game out.
3. PS3's online service was more than user friendly from my experinces with Resistance, RR7, Full Auto 2 (demo), & motorstorm.......And now, with home it will get better.
4. The core PS3 pack is actually only $100 more than the equivelant (in features) 360 premium pack. In other words, the PS3 core has a 20gig HDD & all the other features of the PREMIUM 360 machine for only $100 more, & you get the added benefit of blu ray. As much as it pains lemmings & how much they bemoan it & say it's shoved down consumers throats, for $100 more, it's a small price to pay for a feature that may really benefit games & definately benefits movies if you have the equipment...And we all know most types of gamers are also movie buffs. Also add another measley $100 for the Premium PS3 that comes with 40extra gig hdd space & built in wi fi, as well as ports out the gazoo. Both PS3's also have HDMI cables, as a standard.
5. 3rd party games are a comin to the PS3. And I can promise you, that with every 360 exclusive 3rd party title, there will be just as many announced for the PS3. If not more. And a lot of these will be already tried & true series returns that have been proven to be best sellers time & time again. MGS, DMC, FF & many more. Also developers like criterion are already saying the PS3 versions will shine of games like Burnout.
6. Everyone already knows PS3, this early in it's life is already equaling 360 in the graphics department, so it will only be a matter of time before PS3 starts to pull slightly ahead in terms of visuals & sound, and as proven by bigger disk capacity storage, PS3 games have a chance of being more content heavy.
7. PSP will also have connectivity in some form, this can't be a bad thing, & is another advantage area that PS3 has over 360, that sites like this never seem to mention.
8. The marketing muscle that sony knows best how to use needs to be factored in. Early adopters that already know this stuff above, have already bought, knowing what they are getting now & in the future. They also know that Sony knows how to suck in the more reluctant, casual crowds, with ads & such, then eventually they get the cheapskate gamers (5-6yrs from now) with lowered hardware reatail costs, as well as budget price games & heaps of them spread accross every genre.
9. As shown at GDC, they are garnering hype in the right way, at the appropriate events with great outcomes. Why show off latest games at a develepers conference? To rub it in to your would be allies, that this is what we can do, & you can't, because we're not gonna supply you with the neccessary development tools needed to harness the best performance from OUR machine. Developers & press loved Sony's strategy at GDC (except GS). It showed they wanted to help developers get the best from the system the easiets way possible so far, to get quality games to the consumers faster.
10. Having such a good showing at GDC , and such woeful showings at the last two big events they attended, it's apparent that now Sony's machine has been through it's teething problems (which were minimal at worst compared to 360's still continuing quality issues), that TGS & E3 are gonna be great events for Sony this year.
Really, in closing to this topic....... PS3 owners & future owners have nothing but good things to look forward to. As for 360 & wii fans, they may already have the best that they are going to get this gen...Who knows, if PS3 starts pulling ahead too far again, MS may pull the plug on 360 (as too big a loss again with Q&A issues sucking them dry), and bring the 720 out in 2 years from now.
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