Ok before anybody dismisses me as a Cow or anything stupid like that, I've owned a 360 since March 06. My gamer tag is NutJobJim incase anybody wants to check, and I enjoy playing my 360. I'll also point out that, at this moment in time, I don't really play much of my PS3 and it is infact my 360 that gets the most attention BUT. If somebody forced me to give away one of my consoles and forbid me from ever playing it again, I'm afraid I'd have to give the 360 the boot. Here's why:
1.MGS4: MGS is probably my favourite game series of all time. Kojima never disappoints (MGS2 wasn't that bad) and I doubt he's going to screw up now. This story has been told over 6 games and Kojima really has woven probably the greatest, deepest story in gaming history. To miss the conclusion would be madness! The MGS series has so many memorable gameplay moments, and characters, and Kojima is a legend right up there with the very best. Before the fan boys scream '360 port,' the fact is that even IF this game comes to the 360 it will be coming a year late, and will have been built ground up for the PS3. We all remember how MGS2 ended up on xbox. Fact is if you're a big MGS fan you need a PS3 to play this game as soon as it hits.
2.GOW3: The GOW games are seriously badass. I doubt many gamers can honestly say they don't enjoy playing these games, and both original games squeezed as much out of the PS2 as they possibly could. Expect number 3 to look and play amazingly well. If I had to go an entire generation without playing as Kratos I'd feel cheated.
3.GT5: The original console driving simulator. Before I praise GT I'll say straight off that Forza is a great series. In many ways its leaps and bounds ahead of GT, and I really hope GT copies some of Forzas gameplay mechanics for part 5. BUT the simple fact remains that the cars in GT feels so much better than they do in any other game. Despite the lack of damage, and boring AI, driving cars in Gran Turismo is fun as hell. They feel just like cars should and most importantly are fun to drive. Forza tried as hard as it could, but after playing the demos of both GTHD and Forza2 I know which game I enjoy playing the most. Once GT has car damage, better AI, online, in car views etc. It really will be the greatest driving simulator of all time.
4.Uncharted-Drakes Fortune: Naughty Dog are always one of the first developers to really push new Sony hardware. I'm sure a lot of real gamers enjoyed playing the Crash games on PS and Jak and Daxter really was one of the first really impressive looking PS2 games along with MGS2. Naughty Dog have done it again. This game really looks stunning, and the animations are far better than any game I've ever seen. This game will probably be the first PS3 AAA exclusive and even the most cynical fanboy is going to have trouble dismissing this game.
5.Little Big Planet: This came out of nowhere and really blew a lot of people away. So simple yet, so brilliant at the same time. It really reminds me of something Miyamoto would come up with, and that really is one of the greatest compliments you can pay a game. Sure meatheads that only play Halo, Madden, and GTA will dismiss it as 'teh kiddie' and fanboys lying to themselves will say 'it's not a proper game!', but anything that gives gamers the genuine opportunity to be truly creative is welcome in my book. Most importantly it looks fun as hell, and will probably last you forever.
6.Killzone2/Haze: Ok I cheated and fitted two games into one slot, sue me. I love a good FPS every now and then. Halo may be the king of console shooters, and I'd never try to say it isn't a great game, but from a personal point of view I've never enjoyed it. Killzone flopped, the hype killed it, and for that reason it's strange to hype it sequel BUT despite it's bugs and glitches Killzone was actually a pretty enjoyable console shooter. There was just something about that game, the atmosphere that Guerrilla Games created, the grittiness, the character designs, and the feel of the weapons. The raw potential was there, but the game felt rushed, unfinished, and many said it was due to the limitations of the PS2. Liberations was a solid game, proving that GG can make a good title, and this time their vision shouldn't be limited by the hardware. Once again Sony is putting a lot of faith into this franchise, (a budget that exceeds $21 million, and a staff of over 120!!!) on top of that this game was the first to make use of the Playstation EDGE development tools and has been using these tools from the very beginning. Expect Killzone to at the very least be graphically superior to every other PS3 game.
Even if it flops Haze is looking like a winning bet. Sure it's not exclusive but it's being built ground up for the PS3 so it should perform well on the console. Free Radical make great shooters (Goldeneye, Timesplitters etc.) and this game looks to incorporate a unique story and gameplay mechanics. It also looks graphically stunning, and in typical Free Radical tradition will have amazing multiplayer (4 player co-op FTW.)
7.Ratchet and Clank: A consistently solid franchise, the next Ratchet game looks absolutely beautiful. Insomniac have already tested the waters on PS3 and their next game already shows how quickly PS3 graphics are going to improve. Gameplay wise Insomniac promises to return the series to it's roots which fans of the series are very happy to hear. The Ratchet and Clank series are consistently fun, well made games. This game will be another solid addition to a strong first party line up hitting this year.
8.Team ICO!: The only reason this isn't higher on my list is because we know nothing about this game. ICO and Shadow of the Colossus were masterpieces. Truly timeless works of art. Anybody that plays computer games seriously has to recognise the greatness of these games. I can't wait to see what this team is going to do with a PS3, but you can bet it will be spectacular.
9.Final Fantasy XIII: If you play JRPG you play FF. Sure Dragon Quest might be bigger in Japan, and the 360 has some great JRPGs thanks to Mistwalker, but fans of this genre are going to find it hard to pass on FF. About as close to a guaranteed AAA as you can get, Square Enix are one of the biggest developers in the world and consistently make great FF games. Again there are rumours of a port but like MGS4, if you are fan of this series you're going to need a PS3 to play this game as soon as possible.
10.Home/Dedicated Servers: Online gaming is important to a lot of gamers and at the moment Live is the best you can get on consoles BUT many fan boys that dismiss PSN do so without having tried it. Compared to Live PSN is a little clumsy and lacking in features, however one of its huge advantages over Live in it's use of dedicated servers. Dedicated servers are standard business for PC gamers, but on Live I'm fed up of having to rely on other peoples (often crappy) broadband connections when joining an online game. Dedicated Servers make a huge difference to the quality of online gaming, and playing Resistance with 40 players without a single hint of lag is the greatest achievement in online console gaming so far. Live is better at everything else but I am, yet to pay a game on my 360 that has more players, or that runs as smoothly as Resistance does. On top of that Home is coming soon. A very ambitious project that could just as easily backfire, Home has the potential to match if not surpass Live. Anybody expecting it to do so straight away is deluded, and clearly you have to give it time (Live was a shadow of the service that it is now when it launched all those years ago.) Considering PSN is 100% free of charge Sony has done a good job so far and things will only get better.
11.All the other games: I know I said 10 but here are some of the other games I didn't even talk about
Heavenly Sword, Lair, White Knight Story, SOCOM, Tekken 6, Warhawk and undoubtedly more that I forgot or that will be unveiled at E3.
The point of this list wasn't to prove that PS3 is better than 360, it was to explain why some gamers are buying PS3s over 360s despite the lack of quality software at the moment. I think in the long run I will get FAR more enjoyment out of my PS3 than I will my 360, and IMO the future looks very bright for PS3 (Sony consoles are notoriously slow starters.) If you don't like any of the games on my list then fine, that is personal preference, and it explains why you probably own either a 360, Wii, or both, but it would be foolish to argue that the PS3 doesn't have quality software on the way, even if that software doesn't cater to your individual taste.
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