1. She has unlimited beam ammo, Master Chief is always running out of bullets.
2. She can do more than fire guns, morph ball ect. Master Chief only knows how to shoot stuff.
3. She's not afraid to take her helmet off because she's sexy with long blond hair, Master Chief is ugly that's why he's afraid to take his helmet off. + he has no sun tan, so pale.
4. Samus is her own boss, a cool bounty hunter like the dog, Master Chief is a tool of the government and does what he's told. Muppet.
5. Samus doesn't team up with the enemy like Master Chief, she wouldn't forgive the elites and take sides with them like Master Chief.
6. Samus has a higher scoring game than Master Chief on Gamerankings, Metroid Prime 96.3%, Halo Combat evolved 95.5%
7. Samus' power armor can be equipped with a number of modular upgrades that enhance its functionality and lethality, Master Chiefs armour does nothing and makes him look like a reject Storm trooper from Star wars.
8. Master Chief is described as having brown hair, freckles and a gap between his front teeth, super soldier , more like super nerd.
9. Samus has the advantage when it comes to speed and agility, Weight: 198lbs, Master Chief's weight in full body armour 1000 lbs, slow and over weight.
10. If a small plasma grenade can destroy Master Chief think of how much a super missile combined with a fully charged wave beam (which goes straight through the enemies body) would do to master chief. Plus Samus fights big ass monsters, Master Chief fights 12 foot tall weaklings who go down with one smack of a rifle butt.
As you can see Samus puts Master Chief over her knee and spanks his ass before sending him to bed with no dinner.
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