1. auto-aim for melee & ranged. no birthsigns. waiting regenerates full health. Bioware-inspired romances. attributes replaced with WoW skill trees. blood-on-screen when hit.
2. only 4 armor slots. no spellcrafting. no levitating. no mounted combat. only horses as mounts. generated fetch quests. Professions removed.
3. no crossbows. no throwing weapons. no flails. no clothes under/over armor. linear quests with no decisions. dragons respawn. they won't fix 'fun' bugs.
4. consoles are focus platform, so no open cities. game uses tweaked gamebryo, and uses poor apple GUI. no armor or weapon degradation. quick time events.
5. fast travel. world is designed with fast travel in mind, so expect copy-pasta land. also all races jump/run/walk/swim same speed&distance.
6. reduced factions. only 4 are joinable, the others just being story attachments. game also has mandatory "Steamworks Support"(which is anything but support).
7. no vampires. teleportation ladders. map shows entire 3D world from start of the game. certain spells guide you through dungeons. quest compass guides you through quests.
8. heavy level-scaling remains, dungeon&exterior areas lock on the level you first visit them with. also can't dual-wield shields. only 3 types of spells
9. less skills. no medium armor, no mysticism, no hand-to-hand, no athletics, and no acrobatics to name a few.
10. combat is Oblivion but with tedious finish moves. pointless dual-wielding; can't attack with both weapons/spells at the same time, only combine spells.
All these flaws already and we don't even know what Bethesda has lied about yet. They took all the bad things in Oblivion and kept them in this game. Fighting dragons with anything but spears looks ridiculous. Bethesda's policy is less equals better; "We're making it tons more accessible" - Todd Howard. Why can't they fix things instead of removing them? Reminds me of Bioware. We were fooled by Oblivion, so I advise not to buy into the hype again.
Sources below:
http://www.gameinformer.com/b/podcasts/archive/2011/02/03/toddhowardse.aspx - source for generated quests, scaling, less factions, no werewolves, and more
http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/05/19/unlimiteddragons/ - source for respawning dragons
http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/115/1158651p1.html - source for modified gamebryo (1st page 2nd question), no levitating (2nd page final questions)
ance-07211/ - source for Bioware-inspired romances
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjbx6-KQoRg - bethesda lying as usual
http://forumplanet.gamespy.com/elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_general_discussion/b67704/20679918/r20680394/ - Auto Aim, Bullet Time
http://www.gamepro.com/video/news/157103/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-e3-interview/ - 1:16 full set armor confirmed
Other points that were not provided sources are the more obvious, and first things to be confirmed. Google them if you want. And remember, when Todd says "maybe" it means no. They can't even implement greaves, so why anything else?
In recent articles, Todd has said that stats are too complex, such as his infamous quote "They're just useless numbers that go up", so expect them to not even be in the sixth game. Todd Howard has also been quoted saying Black Ops is hardcore and it's perks influence Skyrim. This series is definitely going downhill. Bethesda are becoming sellouts by making their games casually appeal to everyone; which defeats the edge and entertainment of previous Elder Scrolls titles. Before you say "MODS!", relying on the community to fix a bad game is never a good excuse, and they can't fix everything such as core gameplay and hard coding.
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