except fedor.
Ok, but he has a point. How many times can you beat up Strikeforce and DREAM bums as Fedor before you get tired of it? Oooh Brett Rogers? That roiding idiot Josh Barnett? I mean I will beat up Hong Man Choi and Bob Sapp about 20 times a piece before I get bored of it and make some create-a-fighters that look like UFC guys.
I think EA MMA gameplay will likely be better, I hated, I mean HATED UFC's ground game, those half-circle button prompts were the lamest thing ever... but UFC always has the advantage in roster. EA MMA might have Fedor, but UFC has everyone. Silva, Lesnar, GSP, Machida, Shogun, Kimbo, Jon Jones, even guys like Tito and Chuck are still draws. I believe Randy is in this version as well as EA MMA, if I'm not mistaken.
Either way I'm buying both games, I plan to play with friends anyway so if we use CAFs in EA thats fine.
UFC doesn't exactly have a better HW division.
I think so. Lesnar, Carwin, Mir, Velasquez, Nog, Gonzaga, they are definitely comparable to SF and DREAMs, if not clearly better. Even guys like Carwin who everyone counts out end up showing they have some serious chops. Why do you think they have such a hard time finding a draw for Fedor? Rogers was better than people expected, but Fedor still dropped him without any effort.
Then we have every other division, in which the UFC absolutely pummels everyone into the ground. There are some really exciting guys like Mousasi in SF, but do you think the UFC won't snipe him sooner or later?
Is Jake Shields really, in any way, comparable to Anderson Silva?
UFCs overall roster > everyone elses.
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