A spin off from the other thread
1. Its too expensive for a game console. Sure, its cheap for a high def video player, but gamers dont have that sort of cash to spend
  Some gamers do. You are making faulty assumptions, and there is always some who would say that $600 is well worth it for what you get in return.
2. The online sucks. Yeah its free, but how does it compare to Xbox Live? It doesnt. "Home" is coming, but is just another way for Sony to milk you through advertisement and microtransaction revenue
  Uh, its free and it plays games online. Thats all it needs to do. Your arguement is terrible, as Sony even said they weren't going to copy XBL's format.
3. PS3 sucking in its key market Japan, where its getting dominated by the Wii. The 360 is even making up some ground there.
  Still outsells the 360 there, by a lot. And it will pick up momentum after more games are released.
4. The PS3 doesnt have many good games out right now
  Neither does the Wii. Neither did the 360 5 months in. Give it time.
5. The PS3 wont have any exclusive games that are any good until at least 2008. By that time we will have all played Mass Effect, Bioshock and Halo 3 to death while the only good games you get to play are multiplatform
  Or so you say. Who judges good? Oh yeah, thats individual preference. The PS3 will have quality games in 2007. You are foolish to think it won't.
6. The 360 is stealing the PS3's exclusives. GTA. DMC. FF13? MGS?
  And the PS3 is getting some 360 exclusives. The era of major 3rd party exclusives is drying up. Oh well.
7. Halo 3. PS3 has nothing that comes close to the popularity or quality of this series. Halo 3 will devliver the ultimate online gaming experience due to the crazy amount of testing and thought that has gone into it. What does the PS3 have in response? Killzone 2? ROFL!@
   First Halo sold 5 million, Second Halo sold 8 million. While great selling for Xbox titles, they did not top last gens sales chart. They were up there, but that is only one game.
8. Multiplatform games look better on the 360.
  So far. I expect most every multiplatform game to look roughly equal within the year, and stay that way for the rest of the generation. Remember, developers are more familiar with the 360 due to time spent with it to this point. That will change.
Just realized i spent way too much time on this thread....
Someone else do 9-12, its not hard to think of reasons why the ps3 will tank.
   Again, just like the thread you are trying to copy and refute, you are assuming too much, and trying to make your opinions come off as fact. For that, you fail.
   All three of the systems are here to stay. Deal with it. And each will offer somthing that the others cannot. And by the end of this generation, all three will have a decent market segment.
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