Here is my solid reasons on why PS3 is the ultimate choice for next gen gaming.
1) 1st/2nd Part titles, Sony has over the years created some of the best and most well known games in the games industry, see this trend continue on the PS3 Only Sony published game I want is God of War 3
2) MGS4 & FF13, undoubtedly two of the biggest (3r party) names in gaming history and the only place to play the latest instalments is the PS3 8) For every 2 PS3 games you name I can name 4 360 games. (Halo, Fable, Forza Mass Effect)
3) Free online, Yes thats right free online thats not paying to play online :D. FANTASTIC. sure Xbox live might be better but thats only because its been around for quite some time, just wait, in the next year or two PSN is gonna pwn Live no doubt. why pay when you can get it free I say. I would rather have the BEST online and pay $4 a month for it then lesser free online. PSN Will NEVER have as many online games.
4) Blue-Ray player, a stand alone blue-ray player costs £500 but with PS3 you get it cheaper and not only that but Blue-ray is also used for Videogames. Most if not all developers see Blue-ray as an advantage in creating videogames. In the PS era CD's were eventually used to their fullest capabilities, in the PS2 era DVD's were used to their fullest and now in the PS3 era Blue-ray will most definitely be used to its fullest capability. Im sticking with DVD until one of the HD formats win (if either ever do before something else better is made)
5) No unecessary add-ons, PS3 is the most complete console and you don't have to buy useless add-ons *cough 360 cough* to make it better because its already awesome. Like HD cables, a headset, etc?
6) Stability, PS3 is undoubtedly the most stable console out of the three, seriously when you hold a PS3 you can just feel that its going to last a hell of a long time and at the end of the day you don't exactly want your console to break on you in a few weeks/months time *cough 360 cough* I've heard about 0 problems with the Wii so how could you call it more stable? Also Ive had a 360 well over a year with no problems. Not saying a lot of people havent had problems with their 360, but they do have a 1 year free warrenty and free repair.
7) PlayStation Home, When Sony unvieled this back at GDC everyone there loved it and Sony had the best showing because of this. PS HOME is going to be amazing and a great way to socialise with other gamers on the net. Seems ok. I personally like how you can jump back and forth between 5+ chat channels on 360, but to each there own.
8 ) SIXAXIS, wether you like motion sensing or not its definitely here to stay. Soon you will see games which are based around sixaxis movement, games like Lair and Warhawk. Just watch, I bet Kojima is going to do some amazing things with the Sixaxis:wink:. I will take my motion sensing on my secondary console (wii). Even though I know its going to happen I wish 360 would stay away from MotionS. I like the 360's controller much better then the PS3's
9) LittleBigPlanet, wether you like PS3 or not you can't deny the fact that this game is AWESOME, the ultimate in user created content gaming. 1 game is not a reason to buy a console. For sure not a reason when the competition has way more games (2 for 1 Viva Pinata and Banjo-Kazooie)
10) Long term prospect. When you buy a PS3 you know that you wont be left hanging 2-3 years down the road *cough Xbox cough*. Just like the PS1&2 Sony will make sure that the PS3 has atleast 6 years of gaming glory and a further 4 years untill its done with, thats 10 years !. lets see the 360 do that. Yeah because you have a crystal ball. We'll see if Sony still supports PS3 5 years from now if they have only sold 25 million consoles and it is still bleeding money. Its all about money and if PS3 bombs, they will be moving on to PS4.
11) PS3 will be the main focus for Multiplatform games, Its going to start this year and you can already see it happening with the likes of Burnout 5 and Army of To. Its easier to port from PS3 to 360 then 360 to PS3. So far almost every multiplat that has been released at the same time has been better on the 360.
12) PS3 is the fastest selling console in gaming history, I remember people saying that PS3 will bomb when its released and look at it know, sure it had a bumpy start but its rapidly gaining success. Also this guy from Atari said that PS3 wont sell a million until a years time :lol: he should now eat his words. I guarantee that PS3 will see 10 million + by the end of the year. I dont get this. How is PS3 the fastest selling console ever when the Wii was released one week later and has sold over twice as many consoles? Also I guarantee the PS3 will NOT sell 10+ million by the end of the year and you can quote me on that.
Well there you have it, this most definitely justifies the $600/£425 price tag and if you still think its too expensive :| then you know what, no one is forcing you to buy a PS3. some people prefer quantity others prefer quality, I for one go for the latter. I prefer the console with the best games.
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