I know people are still iffy about the Wii u but now it's time to buy one and here are reasons why:
1. While Wii games are debatable in quality the Wii U at least has BC.
2. The Wii U gamepad ads a mix of casual tablet and hardcore gaming. The gamepad can also take pictures. The gamepad allows hud elements to not be on the screen.
3. Homebrew channel, which can allow numerous things to be installed. The Wii U was made with ease of access in mind, and the homebrew community is up there. Emulation and more.
4. Cross-buy games. You get a Wii U version free with your 3DS purchase or the other way around. Mario Vs. Donkey Kong is an example.
5. Super Smash bros being the biggest its's ever been. The reason to own the Gamcube is also the reason to owe the Wii U.
6. Mario Kart 8, the reason to buy a wii is also bigger and a reason to buy the Wii U.
7. Platformers, if you want the platformers you can't go anywhere else but the WIi U.
8. Exclusives like Bayonetta 2. You won't be able to play the sequel if you don't but a Wii U.
9. Games that are accessible to the kids. Or the guys who like colorful games.
10. The comeback of Pikmin and soon Starfox.
11. Unlike other consoles, there is a community of integrated online services with friends and strangers that connect everyone together through a sophisticated online interface which involves the priority of bringing inclusiveness to the market.
12. the Wii U is intuitive. Other consoles take time to use, the Wii U however, makes operation and games simpler with the Gamepad.
13. having multiple options for touche, and also Gyroscope, allows developers using cinematic QTE's to have more options to avoid boring the player.
14. You can go on the Virtual consoles and download previous games that have released throughout the years. Other consoles don't know hw to do this.
15. Free online Multiplayer.
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