Environments look great. Character models look off.
For comparison, the Dreamcast character models in the Shenmue Passport Disc:
...This is more-or-less how I expected them to look in Shenmue III, updated in HD.
It's fine to have your perspective as well but who do you think are the people who "pretended to have played the first two games" are?
lol your post seems a little self absorbed within your own opinion.
If you personally don't think the game looks good and aren't excited for it then it's perfectly fine but you shouldn't start making rationalizations about why other people do think it looks great and are very excited just because you don't share that opinion.
Some people are excited for Crackdown 3 and I don't think that game looks very good but I'm not going to accuse the fans of that game that they are lying about their excitement for some alternative motive.
I openly tell people I didn't like Uncharted 4 one of Sony's/PS4's most hyped and high rated games, so believe me when I say I don't hype games based platform or corporation image and I doubt many people showing excitement for this game are either.
I admit my OP is a little feisty but hell it was all in good fun and this is system wars :P
It isn't hard to see through people, and I dont need to pretend that my opinions aren't more informed than that of most people. Especially the majority of the half wits that get behind their keyboards and just spew nonsense for the sake of stoking their non existent epeen, and especially not most of those on this site which mainly consists of trolls, jaded fan boys, and a few gaming veterans that are left with no respite after this site was shredded of almost any and all integrity, which was years ago at this point. It isn't hard to see how GS is scrambling for hits when movie reviews are plastered on the front page.
Most of those that are left on this all but dead and continually withering website and community are nothing but trolls and yes men. You can think that is arrogant, and I am completely fine with that. I come here for my kicks, daily laughs, and the OCCASIONAL dose of news that was scoured from some corner of the web. That is why those of us that have been here so long stick around... because hidden underneath the piles of shit is STILL a diamond in the rough. System wars isn't exactly hard to dissect. It's mostly for fun and to watch the fanboys cry. Like I said, if you catch a shred of news that is new to you... well, hey, 2 birds one stone.. ya know?
However, to pretend to not see the idiocy some post is nothing more than a white knight rouse to try and appease others due to the influx of social acceptance of a weakening society.
But... that's not really what this is about.. right?
Long story short, if you can make a "list" of the most "loved RPG's and games of all time" based off of basic internet sheep and then actually take the time to form an opinion of your own.. well, it isn't hard to tell that a lot of people just follow that of what others say, regardless of ever actually having played said games or not. Just hop along to popular opinion, and you can go under the radar (of most people online) even if you've never touched a controller, mouse, or joystick in your life.
Now, with all that said.. if you didn't take offense to any of this, then congratulations. That means you are not guilty of the things I described and you are one of the few who can formulate their own opinions. That said there is a good chance we will get along. However, I dont have much use for those that shut themselves off from broadening their horizons. I respect all opinions as long as the person I am talking to can give me examples of why they believe their opinions to be true.. whether I agree or not isn't important, for it is those interactions that give us a deeper understanding and ability to interact through debate without resulting to baseless arguing and name calling. I am always down for a good debate.
Oh, and by the way, I think there are several games coming out on ALL platforms in the coming year or two that look great. I don't limit myself or place restrictions on what I do or do not play because of system wars, and or brand loyalty. I am #manticore ,the mythic.
I know which ones of you around these parts are as well, or only troll for the kicks and not because you actually believe in any one thing. There are many 1 or 2 console/system players out there that are really cool, but they are also not usually in the vocal minority that calls out anything they dont have as being horrible. Funny enough, these same people usually list out a well diversified list of games and not the same trash lists you see from those that are trying to fit in above all else.
(Yes, I realize there are SOME out there that have a TRUE favorite list of games that reflects that of a mainstream list without just being a false flagger looking for acceptance.. to those few I apologize).
It's all in good fun. Like I said. Those that dont get mad know it's all a game and they dont fall into those categories. Getting mad does nothing but prove my point.
I have spoken.. leave your shoes at the base of my tower. lol. #Witstrodamus
By the way, feisty is a good thing. Never fear to show your intelligence and to have a conversation with others. Just try not to get wrapped up in the bs and look outside the box before buying into hype of any kind. I just like when people form their own opinions.. that's all. If everyone did that, this world would be a much better place, and all the fans of any brand would live in harmony.
#allbrandsmatter #supporttheindustry #Imnotreallyintothewholehashtagthing #feisty #oorahdevils :P
I love how many people pretended to have played the first two games and are still hyping this to such a high level... I'm not saying that it will be a bad game or that the first two were. Just saying it was never anywhere near the level some people pretend or remember it to be. Using this game as a "Look what PS gets that X1 doesn't" isn't that solid of a burn.. just saying. It's a kickstarter game and I wish it the best, but if there is one thing I have learned with Kickstarter, that is that companies love to take your money and then they spend it on everything but the product and slowly develop the game you pledged for to the point you start to lose interest because it has been so damn long. Hope I am wrong.
I'm still waiting on H-Hour. After being the lead mod and spending 2-3 years and volunteering thousands of hours to that game it is STILL not even in the beginning stages of being ported and the "vision" of the game has been changed drastically. I still have hope that one day the game will come to console, but I'm not holding my breath these days.
I think it perfectly underlines how weak the XBox's lineup really is. Games like Shenmue and a Crash Bandicoot redux can get sales and hype these days. That is precisely how non-present the XBox is now. There is nothing to compete, therefore beloved A and AA titles can bask in the sun like they used to before Gen7 came along. As much as some people might not like it, this is a return of normalcy of sorts.
You know, what you say actually makes a lot more sense then I think most would give you credit for. This isn't blind fanboy words.. this is the state of the CURRENT situation.
That said, while Xbox has been relatively dry as of late, their recent influx of announced titles for the future has me a lot more excited than those of the PS4.
PUBG, Conan, and BD are my 3 most anticipated console games right now. Yes, they are on PC, but I am happy to see them coming to console. I prefer playing with a controller, and all the other comforts of console gaming. If I wasn't so damned lazy.. perhaps I would be a PC gamer instead... lmao.
Edit: nah.. not instead.. more like as well. One of these days I'll get a nice gaming PC... but console will always be my primary.
Yikes! Those character faces sure look fugly.
If that's your biggest complaint then there isn't much to worry about because..
THIS didn't seem to bother you!
Faces and gameplay graphics on ^ this level didn't seem to deter your interest in Crackdown 3 nor cause such a negative reaction from you like the one you giving in this thread!
So, from you, this should be no big deal right?
I really doubt that the reason for the delay is to put it up against God of War as competition but to be honest I'm much more interested in Crackdown 3 then I am for the new God of War game. I really enjoyed God of War 1, 2, and 3 but after the third game my interest in the franchise had waned considerably and after playing Ascension I was just further disinterested in it. Looking at this new game just really has done nothing for me.
Not sure why you'd even compare your interest in Crackdown 3 against GOW anyway since you said you only own a xbox one anyway, but I can't decide if you really don't care about graphics or if you hold games on systems that you can't play to a higher standard then the one's you're hyped for.
You never even relayed a vocal opinion about the overall visuals or faces of the characters in crackdown at all, so I find it strange that it's the ONLY thing you had to say about this game which arguably far more visually impressive than Crackdown 3.
If you're going to use words like "fugly" to describe certain games, you probably shouldn't go around telling people about a game you're interested in that *clearly* looks much worse but you have given 0 criticism.
No wonder MS is getting buried.
? Sony announces games like this while lems wait 4 years for flops like Crackhead 3 to release.
You're not someone who I recognize as a "loud mouth fanatic" on the board like many others have established themselves to be so in due respect I read your entire post.
I've digested the content of your post and you seem to have strong opinions that go with the way you feel. I can't say I know exactly where you're coming from when posting that in this particular thread, but yes I do know some people out there 'fake' enthusiasm to promote some anterior fan based image.
I can tell you this about my self, I have always been a Sega "fanboy" lol you'll never hear me say that about any other gaming company. And I have owned every major Sega system over any Nintendo platforms (Switch will probably be my FIRST Big-N console) because I loved their vision and drive to deliver the best games to their fans no matter the cost...and Shenmue is the culmination of that vision cultivated into one game.
How the F couldn't former Sega fans like me not be excited about this game becoming reality? This was Sega's crowning jewl before exiting the console industry. LOL the very idea of people 'faking' for THIS game is a joke to me.
I guess my problem with your original post was that you post that argument against a game like Shenmue and not some fly by night BS game that never was a cult favorite like Shenmue has actually been for years.
Did you play Shenmue in 1999 on the day it came out?
Fan favorite PC game System Shock 2, released 1999
If not then you probably aren't going to have the same opinion as someone who has actually experienced it during that time when shit like System Shock 2 on PC was the closest thing you could even compare it to, it was revolutionary.
Shenmue holds a special place for me as a swan song from Sega to all their fans.
I like what I like and as far as media puppets and that sort of non-sense. I hated Resident Evil 4, MGS2 : Sons of Liberty is my favorite MGS game and I enjoyed Brute Force on OG xbox just as much as I did Halo: CE lol as if I give a F about what other people think about the games I enjoy.
There are people who hype EVERY game on a specific system the prefer no matter what the outlook is on a game but those people are easy to point out. There are varying opinions in this thread...but somehow you only went after the ones who seem excited. lol, what about the ones who are unrelentingly negative? Yeah, that part of your argument also applies I think.
All in all I do understand what you're saying and I can't deny that what you're saying exists, I just think you chose the wrong thread and game to lay those specific claims on.
@lexxluger: Yup the faces in Shenmue look fugly and I think Crackdown 3 looks ok. You're just going to have to deal with it.
Seriously? You actually qoute a post from another thread which is unrelated to this one. You are one really salty cow. In the other thread someone had mentioned Crackdown 3 being delayed to go up against the new God of War game and while it was most likely in jest I still made a comment about it because I can. While I plan to get a PS4 sometime down the road I don't have to own a system to say whether or not I find a game interesting or not. While I wouldn't say that Crackdown 3 looks amazing I do think that it looks pretty good because I like the style.
Also I simply said the faces in Shenmue 3 look fugly because I think they do and they immediately stood out to me, the rest looks pretty good though.
Keeping grasping at straws though.
You're not someone who I recognize as a "loud mouth fanatic" on the board like many others have established themselves to be so in due respect I read your entire post.
I've digested the content of your post and you seem to have strong opinions that go with the way you feel. I can't say I know exactly where you're coming from when posting that in this particular thread, but yes I do know some people out there 'fake' enthusiasm to promote some anterior fan based image.
I can tell you this about my self, I have always been a Sega "fanboy" lol you'll never hear me say that about any other gaming company. And I have owned every major Sega system over any Nintendo platforms (Switch will probably be my FIRST Big-N console) because I loved their vision and drive to deliver the best games to their fans no matter the cost...and Shenmue is the culmination of that vision cultivated into one game.
How the F couldn't former Sega fans like me not be excited about this game becoming reality? This was Sega's crowning jewl before exiting the console industry. LOL the very idea of people 'faking' for THIS game is a joke to me.
I guess my problem with your original post was that you post that argument against a game like Shenmue and not some fly by night BS game that never was a cult favorite like Shenmue has actually been for years.
Did you play Shenmue in 1999 on the day it came out?
Fan favorite PC game System Shock 2, released 1999
If not then you probably aren't going to have the same opinion as someone who has actually experienced it during that time when shit like System Shock 2 on PC was the closest thing you could even compare it to, it was revolutionary.
Shenmue holds a special place for me as a swan song from Sega to all their fans.
I like what I like and as far as media puppets and that sort of non-sense. I hated Resident Evil 4, MGS2 : Sons of Liberty is my favorite MGS game and I enjoyed Brute Force on OG xbox just as much as I did Halo: CE lol as if I give a F about what other people think about the games I enjoy.
There are people who hype EVERY game on a specific system the prefer no matter what the outlook is on a game but those people are easy to point out. There are varying opinions in this thread...but somehow you only went after the ones who seem excited. lol, what about the ones who are unrelentingly negative? Yeah, that part of your argument also applies I think.
All in all I do understand what you're saying and I can't deny that what you're saying exists, I just think you chose the wrong thread and game to lay those specific claims on.
Well, I appreciate you not labeling me as something I despise more than just about anything else in life.. lol.
You certainly do not fall into the categories I was talking about, and I apologize if you felt I had singled you out or was referring to you. It would be understandable if you did since you are the thread creator, but I would sincerely hope you could believe me when I say it wasn't aimed towards you. If the people posting threads make it a trend to lie about the game they are hyped about then my hope for humanity could possibly hit an all time low.. lmao.
I have no problem with fanboys, just the rabid, fanatical, fanboys that almost HAVE to be just trolling or kidding around. Hell, I guess you could say I'm a fanboy of all of the big three in certain aspects, and YES I do love the roots and history of them all and have been around the industry and playing more than just the mainstream for many years.
I think it's great to see someone so excited about another installment in a franchise that had all but been given up on seeing another installment of by even the most loyal of fans. There is a huge list of games I would love to get a/another sequel to.
I have a collection of games spanning just about every console from the 2600 up that is getting closer and closer to the 5,000 physical copy mark that spans every genre and interest.
I like your statement about giving a **** less about what others think of the games you like. Touche.
As far as going after the people bashing the game? I think you and I both know that there is no point in wasting our time with people that are so obviously trolling or bashing a game or franchise that they have no experience with, or that simply doesn't appeal to them. I think I came across wrong.. I wasn't trying to bash those that are excited, I just feel that all to often people tend to echo those that are truly in the know without actually having a clue themselves. However, if there are some opinions that users here value more than others, and if you know you have similar interests to another and they are hyped.. then I have no problem with that.
I just find it hilarious when all the buzz around the internet revolves around games that weren't the most popular at the time of release, but years later everyone acts as though they were early adopters or something when years later the game and or franchise has a strong cult following. (Not saying that nobody was... obviously.)
All too often you see the same generic lists and people trying to justify them. It's nice to see an actual fan give a shout out and show love for a game. I must admit that I had you improperly labeled in a different way however (not because I didn't trust your love for the franchise). Mostly because I find it hard to believe that newer members are still signing up here.. lol. I'm not saying you're an alt (and if you are, you dont seem to be a troll), because you certainly come across as someone in the know, but usually alts are nothing more than trolls or what the internet calls fakeboys I believe. You seem to be a true exception to the rule if you are, and welcome to the forums if you're not.
Either way, I miss the days we had unions around here.
For those genuinely excited I commend you.
... is going to really dampen interest in this game.
Nope, lol not at all.
If you're not a fan then you can just play other games.
LOL, people will.
There is more info about the trailer and the game.
The legendary director has addressed fans’ concerns, stressing that much of the work is temporary – and the facial animations were actually removed from the clip.
While the SEGA veteran didn’t clarify why the facial animations were cut, he did promise that improvements would be made. In fact, it sounds like signing a publishing agreement with Deep Silver has allowed developer Ys Net to not only spend longer making the game – but also increase its scope, too. The auteur predicts that the campaign will take some 30 hours to complete, which is much longer than was originally intended.
But what will you spend that time doing? Well, as in past entries, there’ll be employment for protagonist Ryo Hazuki to find – this time in the form of wood cutting. Fishing will also feature, and you’ll be able to sell on certain types that you catch for cash. Suzuki has also hinted that the franchise’s famous forklift truck racing will return – although we’re curious to see how it’s going to be implemented in the rural Chinese setting that the title takes place in.
Ryo’s original voice actors – Masaya Matsukaze in Japanese and Corey Marshall in English – have both signed up for the project, though a new actress is being scouted for Shenhua. One interesting thing is that the game’s battle system is being rebuilt from scratch, and thus won’t be leveraging Virtua Fighter’s system like previous entries. While this is to be expected, Suzuki notes that he wants the battles to be more about judgement than “timing input skills”.
There is more info about the trailer and the game.
The legendary director has addressed fans’ concerns, stressing that much of the work is temporary – and the facial animations were actually removed from the clip.
While the SEGA veteran didn’t clarify why the facial animations were cut, he did promise that improvements would be made. In fact, it sounds like signing a publishing agreement with Deep Silver has allowed developer Ys Net to not only spend longer making the game – but also increase its scope, too. The auteur predicts that the campaign will take some 30 hours to complete, which is much longer than was originally intended.
But what will you spend that time doing? Well, as in past entries, there’ll be employment for protagonist Ryo Hazuki to find – this time in the form of wood cutting. Fishing will also feature, and you’ll be able to sell on certain types that you catch for cash. Suzuki has also hinted that the franchise’s famous forklift truck racing will return – although we’re curious to see how it’s going to be implemented in the rural Chinese setting that the title takes place in.
Ryo’s original voice actors – Masaya Matsukaze in Japanese and Corey Marshall in English – have both signed up for the project, though a new actress is being scouted for Shenhua. One interesting thing is that the game’s battle system is being rebuilt from scratch, and thus won’t be leveraging Virtua Fighter’s system like previous entries. While this is to be expected, Suzuki notes that he wants the battles to be more about judgement than “timing input skills”.
This sounds assuring now, because I got a bit worried over there ... My most anticipated game for sure.
There is more info about the trailer and the game.
The legendary director has addressed fans’ concerns, stressing that much of the work is temporary – and the facial animations were actually removed from the clip.
While the SEGA veteran didn’t clarify why the facial animations were cut, he did promise that improvements would be made. In fact, it sounds like signing a publishing agreement with Deep Silver has allowed developer Ys Net to not only spend longer making the game – but also increase its scope, too. The auteur predicts that the campaign will take some 30 hours to complete, which is much longer than was originally intended.
But what will you spend that time doing? Well, as in past entries, there’ll be employment for protagonist Ryo Hazuki to find – this time in the form of wood cutting. Fishing will also feature, and you’ll be able to sell on certain types that you catch for cash. Suzuki has also hinted that the franchise’s famous forklift truck racing will return – although we’re curious to see how it’s going to be implemented in the rural Chinese setting that the title takes place in.
Ryo’s original voice actors – Masaya Matsukaze in Japanese and Corey Marshall in English – have both signed up for the project, though a new actress is being scouted for Shenhua. One interesting thing is that the game’s battle system is being rebuilt from scratch, and thus won’t be leveraging Virtua Fighter’s system like previous entries. While this is to be expected, Suzuki notes that he wants the battles to be more about judgement than “timing input skills”.
This sounds assuring now, because I got a bit worried over there ... My most anticipated game for sure.
I like what was said in this article. The campaign might take 30 hours to complete. Here is more stuff.
Suzuki and his development team aren’t interested in forcing the game’s story to be completed in Shenmue III, and he would be interested in continuing the Shenmue story in Shenmue IV if possible.
Honestly, I never thought Shenmue games looked that great. I played them for the stories and experiences. This game can look worse than the DC original if they just let me kill Lan Di already!
Shenmue III Will Be 70% Like The Original and 30% New; Game Design Scaled Up with Deep Silver.
The game is going to be using UE4.
Yu Suzuki: Unreal Engine Is A Great Fit For Shenmue 3 Development, But Makes It More Challenging To Fine Tune
Yu Suzuki is a game developer that requires no introduction, as he not only created some of the best games ever released, like the two entries in the Shenmue series but also founded and led SEGA’s AM2, a team that developed arcade games pretty much from scratch. With Shenmue 3, Yu Suzuki is focusing on creating the game using the Unreal Engine 4, as opposed to coding the game from scratch like he used to do in the past, and has recently spoken about the matter in a new interview.
Speaking with Eurogamer at Gamescom, Yu Suzuki revealed that the Unreal Engine is a great fit for the team’s Shenmue 3 development approach, as it allows to prototype quickly.
Unreal Engine is a great fit for our approach because we can prototype very quickly. To me, this is a valuable feature. In my case, I take on a lot of new challenges and rely on a lot of trial and error. I need to be able to quickly see the results and try out new ideas. I feel that the concept of the Unreal Engine and my approach to developing the game is a good match.
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