Anyway heres Part 2. for the upcoming games of 07. Not 08. I know some of these could get delayed but for now there 07. So lets begin
SuperMario Galaxy- AAA- Miyamoto is directing it. The last time he directed a mario game was Mario 64. Plus mario is one of the best platforming series out there.
Metroid Prime 3- AAA- This was one of the best series last gen. Throw in improved graphics, gameplay, and new and better controls that change the gameplay a little. Plus online hopefully. Finally Retro is really good. I see no reason this wont get AAA.
SupersmashBros. Brawl- AAA- GS has kept this series under AAA long enough. Brawl breaks through with More characters, improved gameplay, more game modes, specials, and online smash bros. This will be Nintendos killer app this holiday season.
Fire Emblem:Goddes of Dawn-AA- The last one did really well on consoles. This will to. I however do believe it will be a low AA. Mainly because its basically a GC game moved over to the Wii. Its not a ground up wii game.
Mario Party 8-AA- Warioware is a minigame series that got a score boost for the wiimote controls. expect Marioparty to get the same and miss possible high AA to low AAA status because of a lack of online.
Project Hammer-AA- 1 of 2 New ips by Nintendo. Nintendo does really well with most of its games, and i expect this game will do well. Its a hack and slash using the wiimote. Could get interesting. So i give it a good shot at AA.
Battallion Wars 2-AA- THe last one got AA here. This one will get AA because of improvements to gameplay and an online feature. THe advance wars series does really good on handheld. I expect the console versions to get closer to that level of quality.
Disaster Day of Crisis- AAA- Im taking a shot with this one. ITs something many have wanted. Nintendo making a brand new mature IP. This game will play like an Action game (RE, MGS, GTA in terms of shooting) and will have you trying to avoid natural disasters. So i expect some crazy action sequences, good controls, good story, and some neat cutscenes. Plus good graphics for a wii game. So yeah im taking a shot with this one.
MarioStrikers Charged- AA- The game will remain as hectic as the first one, plus a really well done online feature. Throw in some interesting controls with the wiimote, i say this has a shot at AA. It will be an improvement from those other trash mario sports games.
Kirby-AA- Nintendo is really good with platformers. The trailer showed some amazing gameplay elements. It looked very quick paced and interesting.
I did not include DK bongo jet, Wii music, Big Brain, Wii health, Escape from bug island, or Eyeshield as i do not believe either of them will reach 8.0. All will do less. Also Bongos stink. I want a DK platformer.
Halo 3-AAA- its Halo, anything less is a disappointment. Enough Said
Fable 2-AA- The last one got AA. I think this will to. It will be much improved from the last one. But im not gonna hype this to much
Blue Dragon-AA- ITs made by a FF creator, ITs got some big name japanese creators behind it. I say this will be a really good jrpg.
Lost Oddyssey-AA- Mistwalker is looking to make a name, so this and blue dragon will be a start.
Too Human-AAA- 4 player coop. Its made by silicon knights. it has some good rpg elements plus action elements. Forget the article this game will probably be 20 to 30 hours long. For an action title, thats really good. This game will be a sleeper hit. I called it.
Shadwonrun-AA- Microsoft does good with shooters. Plus this game is built just for online. Also this PC vs Console players will give this game a boost in score IMO.
Tenchu Z- AA- This series is up and down. THe demo looked fun. So hey if they fix some issues then AA is not out of reach.
Mass Effect-AAA- This is an amazing upcoming RPG. It looks Beautiful, and will have amazing gameplay. Its huge, the innovative speech mechanics. AAA for my pick for best rpg this year.
Kingdom Under Fire-AA- The last one on xbox 1 got AA so hey why not this one also. But dont be shocked if it flops. THe original PC version got a 5 here.
Forza 2-AAA- really good racing sim. LAst one got AAA, this one will to with improved gameplay and even better online.
Banjo 3-AAA- Yep Rare comes back with a vengeance and ends all doubt that they are done. Banjo returns in AAA form.
Games left out were PGR 4, Alan Wake, Marvel Universe Online, Project Slypheed, Halo Wars because while they are announced i do believe they wont be out until 08.
Ratchet- AAA- THis series gets either high AA or low AAA. With its PS3 debut i say AAA.
Uncharted:Drakes Fortune- AAA- Naughty dog is really good at what they do. This game looks beautiful. THe gameplay looks sound. This is my sony sleeper hit. I honestly dont know why other cows dont think this is one of the best games coming. I love how this game looks and i dont have a PS3.
Lair- AAA- It looks good, really good. ITs made by Factor 5 which really helps. But it is also a dragon game, and dragon games dont do very well. The lack of online and it being a short game will hurt. But since Factor 5 is the dev and they have good history with this type of game. Then AAA
Socom- AA- I would have said AAA, but online only doesnt cut it here on gamespot. I personally believe it will be AAA on gamerankings, but GS will give it AA for lacking a single player option. Oh well high AA.
Heavenly Sword-AAA- IT looks really good. As for the gameplay its really good also. Also SOny does a good job with games like this. Example God of War
Killzone 2-AA- IF they can improve the bugs and the glitches. Have good graphics that we expect. Have some fresh gameplay mechanics, and nothing generic like the first one. Throw in a good online feature, then yes i believe even this can be AA and worthy of purchase.
Folklore-AA- It looks good for an rpg. Sony is a good dev. So hey why not AA rpg from sony themselves.
Eye of Judgement-AA- its a trading card game. SO i honestly doubt it will even get A. but hey someone will call me biased. So AA because the graphics could be good. The cards could catch on. And heck the gameplay could be amazing.
Eight Days-AA- An amazing looking action game. Will have a good movie like feel. IT might get knocked of for quite possibly getting repetitive or to much cutscenes and stuff. MGS gets that knock here and i believe so did Max Payne.
Warhawk-AA- good six axis controls. impressive gameplay. looks intense and quick paced. lack of some depth might knock it but i believe it will hit AA.
I did not include LBP because of them being PSN games. ALso WIpeout, GT 5, The Getaway will probably be 08. And Afrika will be probably a pretty looking game that flops for being nothing other than pretty IMO. Also White Knigh Story, Team ICO game, God of War 3 have no release date, no info yet, or anything. BUt i would say give Team ico and god of war AAA and WKS AA.
So there you have it my predictions
NIntendo- 4 AAA, 6 AA games. 10 purchase worthy games
Microsoft- 5 AAA, 5 AA games. 10 purchase worthy games
Sony- 4 AAA, 6 AA games. 10 purchase worthy games
Basically all 3 will be bringing some big guns this year. Microsoft is mostly 2nd party gems. Sony while may have the least AAA games this year, still have a good 1st/2nd party because a good percentage of ther games become AA or better. Nintendo is as strong as ever. But this did show that there dominance isnt as huge as Nintendo thinks. THis showed 3rd party is very important. And really adds to a giant library.
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