Poll 20 Years 20 Days Since the Launch of the Dreamcast. What went wrong? (60 votes)
It's been 20 years and 20 days since the Original Dreamcast launch. As the below video points out Sega had an actually pretty good launch.
They could have sold couple of hundred thousand more according to Sega in Japan if it weren't' for NEC not being able to provide PowerVR 2 GPU for it's initial launch. But other than that it's North America sales were pretty good. It actually had a much, much better lineup than the launch of the PS2. It had games like the stellar Soul Calibur with it's awesome graphics and game play, NFL2K (which was great) and many other tittles. It also had a descent GPU. Some people think that choosing the Voodoo 2 over the PowerVR 2 was what caused the Dreamcast to fail. But Voodoo 2 lacked 32-bit graphics and it didn't had 2D graphics support you would have to get another chipset for 2D graphics, which would have increased the cost of the Dreamcast in my opinion. While the PowerVR 2 had 32 bit graphics (making games look more vibrant and more colorful vs Voodoo 2's 16-bit graphics) and it had support for 2D which made it ideal fit for Dreamcast's $199.0 launch price tag. Sure the PowerVR 2 wasn't going to beat the nVidia's TNT2 or ATI (now AMD's) the original Rage Fury back in 1999 but PowerVR 2 held it's own for the time it was released (originally in 1998).
Aside form the the graphics, it had pretty stellar lineup. It had 18 different launch lineup including Sould Calibur as mentioned, but also other such as House of the Dead 2. While PS2 had a piss poor lineup.
Based on the documentary it seems Sega's failure seems to go back to the Sega Saturn launch. That entire generation Sega made piss poor decisions. It didn't embrace 3rd party developers like Sony did which resulted in Sony outgunning Sega in the games department with high quality games. While Sega focused on only 1st party titles such as Panzor Dragon and the Sonic franchise. Which isn't nearly enough to hold against Sony's onslaught of 1st Party titles likes Crash Bandicoot and many great 3rd party titles. Also, Nintendo had better 1st party titles like Donkey Kong 64, Mario Cart 64 and so on.
It's shocking how low market share Sega had in the console market. It was down to 5% compared to Sony's 60% and Nintendo's 30%. Yes, Sega had only 5% of the console market in 1999 in North America.
But it still it makes me wonder despite doing everything right with the Sega Dreamcast launch, good hardware with good graphics, good launch line up compared to the joke launch of PS2 line up of games and being 1 year ahead of the PS2 and two years ahead of the Gamecube. Sega was even smart enough to include a modem for multiplayer which helped usher in online gaming on the consoles we see today. What caused it to fail?
I think it all comes down to the Sony and their successful Playstation. Sony just opened up too big of a lead in terms of market share and gamer's mindshare. Once Sony launched the PS2. Sega couldn't sell enough to bring back the momentum back to them despite having a good console launch. In other words the 5 year gap between the launch of the Sega Saturn and it's piss poor lineup of games and it's subsequent 5% market share in North America was too much for Sega to overcome.
But it still makes wonder what Sega could have done with the Dreamcast despite doing everything they did, correctly, in my estimation, to bring them back from the dead.
What do you guys think? What caused Sega to fail in the console market? What could they have done differently?
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