If you ask me, 2009 was one heck of a 'meh' year. Uncharted 2 seemed to have critics' heads exploding, but the year as a whole seemed to be the year where every major developer is between projects, every exciting new release is on the horizon, rather than round the corner. Heck, this is the first christmas season in years where i've had nothing to be excited for (games wise, that is... christmas in general is awesome! :P)
And for that reason, i present to you 2010, or what will henceforth be referred to as 'the year of unstoppable pwnage'.
Mass Effect 2
Is it an RPG? Is it a shooter? Is it freakin' awesome? Why yes, yes it is.
Gran Turismo 5
Which brings the double delight of both an awesome racer and the end of 'GT vs Forza' threads for years to come.
Let's face it, Sega owes us an awesome game.
Bioshock 2
Even if it's just more of the same; when the 'same' is awesome, i'm in.
God of War 3
Guranteed to make you whince and then smile at least thirty times per playthrough
Final Fantasy XIII
It's dated, it's coming, it's gonna be awesome
Max Payne 3
Brought out of retirement to make amends for the dreadful movie
STALKER: CAll of Pripyat
Few games get better and better with time. STALKER is one that does
Alan Wake
Starcraft II
Halo: Reach
Crackdown 2
Criminally under rated and back to kick more ass and throw more cars at pedestrians
Crysis 2
Because we need something new to make your screenshots look terrible
Super Street Fighter IV
Mafia II
If this game doesn't rock my socks clean off, i may cray
Splinter Cell Conviction
The great man is back
Lost Planet 2
Heavy Rain
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Nice knowing you Modern Warfare 2, it was fun while it lasted...
Dead Rising 2
Just Cause 2
Fallout: New Vegas
The Last Guardian
Red Dead Redemption
Star Wars: The old republic
goodbye, world of warcraft
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
oh... hello world of warcraft
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Metriod: Other M
Absord the awesomeness! :o
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