Final Fantasy XIII - mixed feelings in Japan already... not to mention XII was good so XIII probably shouldn't be
Halo Reach - Since Halo CE the following Halo games have been tweaking the game system over the past 8 years. I really can't expect Reach to do anything overly unique. It'll be good, but I really doubt it'll change that much from Halo 3.
God of War III - So many gamers are sick of QTE's, and the GOW series has pretty much relied on them like a crutch... it'll probably be enjoyable, but in the same way stale cookies are when you microwave them. Yea they're good, but something's just not right.
Mass Effect 2 - I won't say mass effect was perfect, but you can't make better gameplay w/out a complete redesign of the game mechanics. I highly doubt they did that for ME2, and though it'll be great it's not going to be much better than Mass Effect was.
Grand Turismo 5 - Just play the demo... ignore the graphics and just focus on the physics... the only good things I've heard about the physics have come from system wars.
Bayonetta - if you love DMC than you'll probably go gaga over Bayonetta. For the rest of us it's just another beat 'em up.
Heavy Rain - As much as I wante to trust this game anybody that's ever played Indigo Prophecy knows how this game could easily turn to crap. Sure the developer learned from their old mistakes, but in the process did they make new ones?
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - They should just name this Battlefield: Overshadowed by MW2... it could be awesome, but only a handfull of people will care.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction - basically since SC:Chaos Theory the series has gone downhill.
Maybe some good games will come out in 2010, and hopefully I'm wrong about most of these. There's a ton of games I left off the list since there's no guarantee they'll come out in 2010, and I don't want to look like a Cow putting every unreleased title under a 2010 release date :P
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