Its close, its coming, its almost 2010. I made a little list of the most popular games coming out in 2010, so here it is. No year has ever come close to this...its completely insane.
1. Star Wars: The Old Republic 21: Crackdown 2 42: White Knight Chronicles 63: Singularity
2. Red Dead: Redemption 22: MGS: Rising 43: Splinter Cell: Conviction 64: L.A Noire
3. Final Fantasy 13 23: MGS: Peace Walker 44: Aliens Vs. Predator 65: Battlefield BC 2
4. Heavy Rain 24: Battlefront 3 45: Dead Rising 2 66: Lost Planet 2
5. God of War 3 25: Force Unleashed 2 46: Final Fantasy 14 67: I Am Alive
6. Gran Turismo 5 26: Super Mario Galaxy 2 47: Fallout: New Vegas 68:Thief 4
7. MAG 27: Dante's Inferno 48: The Last Guardian 69: Brink
8. Mass Effect 2 28: CaC: 4 49: Alan Wake 70: Kane and Lynch 2
9. Rage 29: Dark Void 50: Metroid: Other M 71: Blur
10. Halo: Reach 30: Army of Two: 40th Day 51: Max Payne 3 72: Split/Second
11. Zelda Wii 31: Fable 3 52: Rockband 3 73: Half LIfe 2 Ep 3
12. Medal of Honor: (modern?) 32: Darksiders 53: Alpha Protocol 74: Deus Ex 3
13. ModNation Racers 33: Bayonetta 54: Resonance of Fate 75: Skate 3
13: Call of Duty: Cold War 34: Stalker: Call of Pripyat 55: Just Cause 2 76:R.U.S.E
14: Batman: AA2 35: Project V13(fallout mmo) 56: Mafia 2 77: Napoleon: Total War
15: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm 36: Metro 2033 57: Agant 78: Guild Wars 2
16: Starcraft 2 37: Star Trek Online 58: 3d Dot Game Hero 79: APB
17: PoP: Forgotten Sands 38: No More Heroes 2 59: Perfect Dark 80: The Secret World
18: Crysis 2 39: Epic Mickey 60: DC Universe Online
19: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 40: True Crime 61: Doom 4
20: Bioshock 2 41: Golden Sun DS 62: The Agency
Now, I know, mabye not ALL of these games will be 2010. But still, can everyone agree this will be the best gaming year of all time?
Thoughts? (and please don't post games like diablo 3 that everyone KNOWS for sure wont come out...or games no one has heard of while telling my list is epic fail suxors) thx
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