I have to say that 2011 was a very solid year for gaming with many great exclusives and multiplats being released on all systems..
So now we can practically round up what was on offer for each system and give our personal score for each system.
Mine as follows:-
PC:- 8.5/10 (Good year for PC, although I always expect better :) )
PS3:- 9/10 (Great year with quantity in quality as regards exclusives, but expected more from Sony as regards improvements on PSN & PSN Store.. There's definately room for improvement)
360:- 7.5/10 (Good year with many great games, although I'm quite disappointed in terms of exclusives. Geow3 & Forza4 are great but not enough.. Too much focus on Kinect)
Wii:- 6.5/10 (a few great titles, ,multiplats are average at best and surely Nintendo could have done more..)
PSP:- 5/10 (least played system this year and nothing much on offer)
Note:- unfortunately had to group the Handhelds !!
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